DevOps Handbook完整版本
2022-03-27 03:07:50 57.84MB DevOps
一、仿真题目 某雷达侦察设备采用全向振幅单脉冲——全方位比幅法测向,天线方向图为 高斯函数,试求: (1)在波束交点损耗分别为 1dB和 3dB的条件下,在 15°、25°、35°、 45°方向上,四天线系统和六天线系统的理论测向误差; (2)对于交点损耗为 1dB的六天线系统,如果各信道的误差分别为下表, 试求该设备在 15°、35°方向上的系统测向误差。 二、全向比幅法(NABD)测向的基本原理 全向振幅单脉冲测向技术采用 N 个相同方向图函数的天线,均匀铺设在 360°方位内。相邻天线张角为 360°/N,各天线的方位指向分别为:    si iFF   1,,1,0i  N 对称天线方向函数  F 可按傅里叶级数展开如下: � � � ��m ∞ ���th��� (1) �� � t m � � � �th����� �� � � � � � ��h � ��m ∞ ���th��� � ���h�� � � mh�h…ht � � 用权值cos i�h ,sin  �i�h�,� � mh�h…ht � �,对各天线输出信号取加权和, 有: 误差项 天线 0 天线 1 天线 2 天线 3 天线 4 天线 5 通道失衡 dB 0 2 2 -2 -2 0 波束宽度° -3 -6 +2 0 +1 -5 安装误差° 1.5 0 -1.5 -1 1 1.5
2022-03-26 20:12:26 368KB leida duikang
Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition 指纹识别手册(英文版)
2022-03-25 16:24:41 15.94MB Handbook Fingerprint Recognition 指纹识别
奈飞是一家颇具传奇色彩的公司,它与 Facebook、亚马逊、谷歌并称“美股四剑 客”。相较于其他三家公司,中国读者对奈飞的 了解较少,印象最深的可能是它出品的《纸牌 屋》(House of Cards),还有它购买了《白 夜追凶》的海外发行权。其实早在2009年,奈 飞就成了硅谷公司竞相效仿的榜样,一份《奈飞 文化集》PPT在硅谷被疯传,阅读和下载数量超 过1 500万次。
2022-03-22 10:46:18 3.28MB 奈飞
Phased Array Antenna 相控阵天线手册 相控阵的经典书籍
2022-03-21 10:07:36 7.5MB Phased Array Antenna
2022-03-20 22:32:10 8.69MB 线性电路设计
PART I TECHNOLOGIES -- Augmented Reality: An Overview -- New Augmented Reality Taxonomy: Technologies and Features of Augmented Environment -- Visualization Techniques for Augmented Reality -- Mobile Augmented Reality Game Engine -- Head-Mounted Projection Display Technology and Applications -- Wireless Displays in Educational Augmented Reality Applications -- Mobile Projection Interfaces for Augmented Reality Applications -- Interactive Volume Segmentation and Visualization in Augmented Reality -- Virtual Roommates: Sampling and Reconstructing Presence in Multiple Shared Spaces -- Large Scale Spatial Augmented Reality for Design and Prototyping -- Markless Tracking for Augmented Reality -- Enhancing Interactivity in Handheld AR Environments -- Evaluating Augmented Reality Systems -- Situated Simulations Between Virtual Reality and Mobile Augmented Reality: Designing a Narrative Space -- Referencing Patterns in Collaborative Augmented Reality -- QR Code Based Augmented Reality and Its Applications -- Evolution of a Tracking System -- Navigation Techniques in Augmented and Mixed Reality: Crossing the Virtuality Continuum -- Survey of Use Cases for Mobile Augmented Reality Browsers -- PART II APPLICATIONS -- Augmented Reality for Nano Manipulation -- Augmented Reality in Psychology -- Environmental Planning Using Augmented Reality -- Mixed Reality Manikins for Medical Education -- Augmented Reality Applied to Edutainment -- Designing Mobile Augmented Reality Games -- Network Middleware for Mobile and Pervasive Large Scale Augmented Reality Games -- 3D Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality for Image-Guided Surgery -- Augmented Reality in Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering -- Using Augmentation Techniques for Performance Evaluation in Automotive Safety -- Augmented Reality in Product Development and Manufacturing -- Military Applications of Augmented Reality -- Augmented Reality in Exhibition and Entertainment for the Public -- GIS and Augmented Reality: State of the Art and Issues. Augmented Reality (AR) refers to the merging of a live view of the physical, real world with context-sensitive, computer-generated images to create a mixed reality. Through this augmented vision, a user can digitally interact with and adjust information about their surrounding environment on-the-fly. Handbook of Augmented Reality provides an extensive overview of the current and future trends in Augmented Reality, and chronicles the dramatic growth in this field. The book includes contributions from world expert s in the field of AR from academia, research laboratories and private industry. Case studies and examples throughout the handbook help introduce the basic concepts of AR, as well as outline the Computer Vision and Multimedia techniques most commonly used today. The book is intended for a wide variety of readers including academicians, designers, developers, educators, engineers, practitioners, researchers, and graduate students. This book can also be beneficial for business managers, entrepreneurs, and investors.
2022-03-19 16:56:05 23.55MB Handbook of Augmented Reality
2022-03-15 08:59:39 27.46MB FRM pdf Risk
shellcoder's handbook 中文版 经典必读
2022-03-13 23:53:57 1.71MB shellcoder's handbook 中文版