Boolean functions for homomorphic-friendly stream ciphers 2020年密码学学论文
2021-04-09 18:00:11 862KB 密码学
2021-04-06 12:10:36 12.96MB -Benchmark
2021-04-01 18:09:58 5KB JupyterNotebook
Collectez des反馈服务 · 开放式反馈是一个开放的SaaS平台,供组织者和演讲者收集用户反馈。 它连接到3个数据源之一:OpenFeedback数据库,hoverboard-v2或您自己的API,以检索所有会话和发言人。 匿名用户可以提供有关会话的建设性反馈,管理员可以直接在GUI中管理投票表单,评论,语言,会话和发言人。 组织还具有集中的用户管理和通用投票表。 演示: : 特征 为事件生成唯一的公共读取URL 列出所有会话,按标签,扬声器,曲目搜索 用户匿名在任何会话上提供反馈(而不是评分)(它使用Firebase匿名登录) 投票表格是100%可定制的,可以翻译成任何语言 显示用户反馈 完整的仪表板统计信息和管理界面 评论审核 管理员编辑管理 组织:管理用户,投票表和徽标 待办事项:现场投票反映在所有客户上 您想贡献吗? 您想贡献并保持开放反馈的良好状态,请转到
2021-03-24 13:03:07 1.15MB SQLSERVER
# 目的是掌握IEEE的转换功能。 numeric_std软件包(请参阅提供的文件“ VHDL_1164pkg.pdf”)来解决 VHDL。 # Describe in behavioral VHDL a modulo-m up/down counter with the following interface: – Generics • Modulo base (m with default value of 16) – Inputs • Clock (clk -> 1 bit) • Asynchronous reset (rst -> 1 bit) • Counting direction (up_down -> 1 bit) – 1 -> Counting up, – 0 -> Counting down – Outputs • Count value (count -> [log2(m)] bits) # The mod-m up/down counter should work as follows: – When counting up (up_down = '1'), it starts from 0, 1, 2, ..., m-1 (e.g., when m = 27 as in the provided testbench, then it should count 0, 1, 2, ..., 26 and then loops back to 0, 1, and so on) – When counting down (up_down = '0'), it starts from m-1, m-2, ..., 2, 1, 0 (e.g., when m = 27 as in the provided testbench, then it should count 26, 25, ..., 2, 1, 0 and then loops back to 26, 25, and so on) # In Vivado: – Create a project – Add design and simulation source files – Run behavioral simulation – Waveform configuration
2021-03-18 11:10:15 204KB vhdl
2021-03-17 16:59:39 90B 计算机科学
针对奥宝Inplan软件后台 Rule规则的 Functions汇总
2021-03-15 12:03:32 30KB inplan 奥宝
2021-03-14 19:09:11 11KB TypeScript
Cloud Native: Using Containers, Functions, and Data to Build Next-Generation Applications This comprehensive guide helps developers and architects understand current cloud-native technologies, with recommendations that explain when you need to use each one. Authors Boris Scholl, Trent Swanson, and Peter Jausovec describe the patterns you need for building cloud-native applications, and provide best practices for the most common tasks such as messaging, eventing, and DevOps. This practical book also delivers an architectural blueprint for a modern cloud-native application. You’ll learn about microservices, containers, serverless computing, storage types, data considerations, portability, and the use of functions. Differentiate between containers and functions, and understand when to use which technology Leverage Service Meshes to move complexity, such as distributed tracing and mutual TLS handshakes, away from the developer Use messaging and eventing as the glue for the cloud-native composite applications Handle state-in distributed applications Understand what makes your application portable
2021-03-12 22:52:53 2.12MB cloud