C#看板发射Demo程序(LEDSender.dll) 珍藏多年的,现在不做这个了,希望对大家有用,50个字好难
2021-05-16 00:05:22 1012KB C# 看板 发射 Demo程序
液体水位测量传感器原理: 该模块主要是利用三极管的电流放大原理,当液位高度使三极管的基 极与电源正极导通的时候,在三极管的基极和发射极之间就会产生一定大小 的电流,此时在三极管的集电极和发射极之间就会产生一个一定放大倍数的电流,该电流经过发射极的电阻产生电压供 AD 转换器采集。 产品参数: 工作电压:2.0V ~ 5.0V 检测深度:48mm 产品尺寸:19.0mm * 63.0mm 固定孔尺寸:2.0mm 接口说明:(以接入MCU为例) VCC:接2.0V ~ 5.0V GND:接GND AOUT:接MCU.IO (模拟量输出) 实物展示: 实物购买链接:https://www.waveshare.net/shop/Liquid-Level-Sensor.htm
2021-05-14 15:38:54 695KB 传感器 电路方案
nRF51822开发工具包 SDK包 DEMO程序
2021-05-13 17:18:50 19.4MB nRF51822 SDK DEMO
stm32 RC663 spi demo程序,基于NXP的NFC库能够成功编译,想移植其他例成可以参考
2021-05-11 22:49:50 4.69MB NXP nfc库 stm32 rc663
本文件为模拟IIC驱动TH06的demo程序,The TH06 I2C Humidity and Temperature Sensor is a monolithic CMOS IC integrating humidity and temperature sensor elements, an analog-to-digital converter, signal processing, calibration data, and an I2C Interface. The patented use of industry-standard, low-K polymeric dielectrics for sensing humidity enables the construction of lowpower, monolithic CMOS Sensor ICs with low drift and hysteresis, and excellent long term stability. The humidity and temperature sensors are factory-calibrated and the calibration data is stored in the on-chip nonvolatile memory. This ensures that the sensors are fully interchangeable, with no recalibration or software changes required The TH06 is reflow solderable. It can be used as a hardware- and software-compatible drop-in upgrade for existing RH/ temperature sensors , featuring precision sensing over a wider range and lower power consumption. The optional factory-installed cover offers a low profile, convenient means of protecting the sensor during assembly (e.g., reflow soldering) and throughout the life of the product, excluding liquids (hydrophobic/oleophobic) and particulates. The TH06 offers an accurate, low-power, factory-calibrated digital solution ideal for measuring humidity, dew-point, and temperature, in applications ranging from HVAC/R and asset tracking to industrial and consumer platforms.
2021-05-10 20:33:18 4KB TH06
2021-04-29 12:32:49 2.23MB 固高 运动控制 控制软件
WINFORM 利用ado.net实现对单表的增删改查的详细例子,对新手学习有很大的帮助!
2021-04-27 18:10:15 131KB 单表增删改查
MQTTnet 2.8 Demo程序
2021-04-27 13:06:41 62.18MB MQTTnet
本设计分享的是高精准环境检测(O2)氧浓度传感器原理图/PCB源文件/demo程序。该环境检测(O2)氧浓度传感器是一种用于测试空气中氧浓度的传感器,它是基于电化学电池工作原理。当您输出与氧气浓度成比例的电压值时,您可以清楚地了解当前的氧浓度,并参考氧浓度线性特征图。它非常适合检测环境中的氧浓度。该氧浓度传感器模块只需空气中提供一点电流,我们不需要为其提供外部电源,输出电压随时间变化而改变。环境检测(O2)氧浓度传感器实物截图: 环境检测(O2)氧浓度传感器特点: 高精准度 灵敏度高 宽线性范围 抗干扰能力强 非凡的可靠性 环境检测(O2)氧浓度传感器参数如下:
2021-04-25 13:03:23 652KB 浓度传感器 电路方案