Every programmer has a story about how they learned to write their first program. I started learning as a child when my father was working for Digital Equipment Corporation, one of the pioneering companies of the modern computing era. I wrote my first program on a kit computer my dad had assembled in our basement. The computer consisted of nothing more than a bare motherboard connected to a keyboard without a case, and it had a bare cathode ray tube for a monitor. My initial program was a simple number guessing game, which looked something like this
2019-12-21 20:23:39 5.23MB Python
If you are a MySQL user who wants to find out more about the program, but is not interested in becoming a database administrator just to be able to read books on MySQL, then MySQL Crash Course is for you. This tutorial-based book is organized into a series of short, easy-to-follow lessons that take a very hands-on approach to meeting the needs of the average MySQL user. The essentials of MySQL are taught through a series of self-paced lessons in which you will complete exercises that illustrate the most important aspects of MySQL. You will learn how to:
2019-12-21 20:19:39 1.95MB mysql crash course mysql
在用qt编写程序时经常会遇到崩溃问题,如果抓取不到crash堆栈信息就会对崩溃问题束手无策,只能对其进行复现,推断。 该程序展示如何获取crash堆栈信息
2019-12-21 20:05:28 6KB Qt crash
学习奔溃转储分析非常好的参考资料,1200多页,全面介绍内存分析技术。Detecting Abnormal Software Structure and Behavior in Computer Memory
2019-12-21 19:52:06 13.62MB 内存转储分析 dump analysis windbg
2015-05-04 00:00:00 964KB android 全局异常 上传至服务器