2021-11-26 22:14:53 23.88MB 机器学习
参考文献:Bayesian Modeling of Dynamic Scenes for Object Detection
2021-11-24 22:44:35 15KB Bayesian Modeling
2021-11-24 21:37:10 2.03MB r语言
Bayesian methods for machine learning have been widely investigated, yielding principled methods for incorporating prior information into inference algorithms. In this survey, we provide an in-depth review of the role of Bayesian methods for the reinforcement learning (RL) paradigm. The major incentives for incorporating Bayesian reasoning in RL are: 1) it provides an elegant approach to action-selection (exploration/ exploitation) as a function of the uncertainty in learning; and 2) it provides a machinery to incorporate prior knowledge into the algorithms. We first discuss models and methods for Bayesian inference in the simple single-step Bandit model. We then review the extensive recent literature on Bayesian methods for model-based RL, where prior information can be expressed on the parameters of the Markov model. We also present Bayesian methods for model-free RL, where priors are expressed over the value function or policy class. The objective of the paper is to provide a comprehensive survey on Bayesian RL algorithms and their theoretical and empirical properties.
2021-11-21 19:28:33 1.81MB 贝叶斯 增强学习 机器学习 深度学习
Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning
2021-11-13 15:15:20 15.09MB Bayesian Reasoning Machine Learning
Bayesian Network 基本概念和原理
2021-11-11 15:40:16 195KB Bayesian Network
心音信号去噪matlab代码 本项目是的中文翻译,这本书以足够通俗易懂的方式来解释了卡尔曼滤波器等一众滤波器的原理,相比其他书中一下子列出一堆公式更容易理解一些,所以我打算尝试翻译这本书,也算是督促和巩固我的学习进度,如有翻译有误还请谅解,并直接修改提交,或者提issue,如果有能力还是建议直接阅读原文。 本书主要介绍了卡尔曼和贝叶斯滤波器的原理和用法。文中的所有代码都是用Python编写的,本书本身是使用Juptyer Notebook编写的,因此您可以在浏览器中运行和修改代码。 还有什么比这更好的学习方法吗! "Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python" looks amazing! ... your book is just what I needed - and O'Reilly作者,Allen Downey教授. Thanks for all your work on publishing your introductory text on Kalman Filtering, as well as the Python Kalman Filt
2021-11-06 15:48:56 25.43MB 系统开源
Sparse Bayesian Learning,Basis Selection,稀疏贝叶斯学习算法,压缩感知,matlab仿真
2021-11-04 20:36:38 2KB 稀疏贝叶斯
This book is a suitable companion book for an introductory course on Bayesian methods. Also the book is valuable to the statistical practitioner who wishes to learn more about the R language and Bayesian methodology. The LearnBayes package, written by the author and available from the CRAN website, contains all of the R functions described in the book.
2021-10-31 16:16:05 3.85MB R语言 贝叶斯 统计 算法
Bayesian Computation R代码 ,非常不错,实用,经测试好用
2021-10-31 16:11:04 23KB Bayesian  R code