Automatic Recognition of Aircraft Noise with PLP Method.
2021-02-21 19:11:52 399KB 研究论文
Due to informal definition of Domain-Specific Metamodeling Language (DSMML), properties of metamodels built based on DSMML cannot be precisely and automatically analyzed. In response, based on formalization of DSMML named XMML, the paper proposes an automatic mapping mechanism for formalizing metamo
Automatic number plate recognition Licence plate recognition
2021-02-17 09:04:24 5.13MB 车牌识别
Automatic Non-Perfused Choriocapillaris Area Calculator for OCT-Angiography Images With 1.52 edition, the bugs were fixed. With 1.50 edition, choriocapillary flow voids measured with Phansalkar thresholding, which is the modification of Sauvola's thresholding method to deal with low contrast image
2021-02-14 09:03:59 95KB OCRA
Automatic human body feature extraction and personal size measurement
2021-02-08 10:03:27 640KB 研究论文
Automatic Geographic Metadata Correction for Sensor-Rich Video Sequences
2021-02-07 12:05:56 1.03MB 研究论文
Multi-modal Multi-task Learning for Automatic Dietary Assessment.
2021-02-07 12:05:50 1.15MB 研究论文
自动通话录音 Automatic Call Recorder 是安卓系统上一款非常好用的全自动通话录音应用,它的通话录音功能不亚于现在几款较知名的通话录音应用,支持常见录音格式,可自定义录音规则、设置音频源以及管理录音文件,非常好用。Automatic Call Recorder Pro 安装并启用后,不管是播出电话还是接入电话,都可以自动在后台启动,接通电话后通话双方的声音都会被录制,并按照一定的格式存放在指定的存放路径。
2021-01-30 17:01:10 9.05MB Automatic Call Recorder Pro
这种名为Hoarding Disorder的疾病在中国我都没听说过,这篇文章的技术可以帮助这类疾病的诊断。
2021-01-28 04:57:07 1.91MB 机器学习
Prescan 软件手册 自动驾驶建模 英语版 prescan产品帮助
2020-01-03 11:40:48 151.32MB prescan  automatic pi automatic