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C++并发编程实战 源码 (C++ Concurrency in Action)
2022-05-11 10:59:58 64KB C++ 并发编程 源码
原版pdf Summary Rx.NET in Action teaches developers how to build event-driven applications using the Reactive Extensions (Rx) library. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Modern applications must react to streams of data such as user and system events, internal messages, and sensor input. Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a .NET library containing more than 600 operators that you can compose together to build reactive client- and server-side applications to handle events asynchronously in a way that maximizes responsiveness, resiliency, and elasticity. About the Book Rx.NET in Action teaches developers how to build event-driven applications using the Rx library. Starting with an overview of the design and architecture of Rx-based reactive applications, you'll get hands-on with in-depth code examples to discover firsthand how to exploit the rich query capabilities that Rx provides and the Rx concurrency model that allows you to control both the asynchronicity of your code and the processing of event handlers. You'll also learn about consuming event streams, using schedulers to manage time, and working with Rx operators to filter, transform, and group events. What's Inside Introduction to Rx in C# Creating and consuming streams of data and events Building complex queries on event streams Error handling and testing Rx code About the Reader Readers should understand OOP concepts and be comfortable coding in C#.
2022-05-09 22:15:27 5.08MB Rx Rx.NET C# 响应式
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CoffeeScript是一套JavaScript的转译语言,创建者 Jeremy Ashkenas 戏称它是- JavaScript 的不那么铺张的小兄弟。因为 CoffeeScript 会将类似 Ruby 语法的代码编译成 JavaScript,而且大部分结构都相似,但不同的是 CoffeeScript 拥有更严格的语法。 语法:从 Lisp 系重生CoffeeScript打蛇打到七寸了. 它的最大功绩, 就是将 JavaScript 硬绑的 C/Java 语法抛弃了; 改为采用类似 Ruby/Python 的语法. Ruby/Python 本来就是深受 Lisp 影响的, 和 JavaScript 算是同门师兄, 他们的语法经过了实践考验, 是更适合函数式+动态语言内核的. Good Parts:CoffeeScript 只使用了 JavaScript 的 ”Good Parts(精粹)”, 抛弃了原来 JavaScript 晦涩的,容易出问题的那部分东西. 比如,全局变量声明, with 等. 语法糖和 ECMAScript:CoffeeScript 提供了很多语法糖, 让代码更优雅可读. 去主页仔细看看 CoffeeScript 的语法清单, 就会发现边边角角到处是创新. 这让编程语言真的成了开发者的朋友, 而不是机器的朋友. CoffeeScript 还提供了一个机会, 让你现在就可以使用 ECMAScript 里面的特性. 将来有个更多新特性, CoffeeScript 也有机会在浏览器支持之前实现它们. 程序员面对的是 CoffeeScript 的优雅接口, 它是程序员和JavaScript 之间的中间层, 脏活累活它都干了. CoffeeScript 构建在 JavaScript 上层, 这让人联想起 .Net 和 C#/F#/VB… , 以及 JVM 和 Java/JRuby/Scala… 在 JavaScript 上层做事情的, 不只 CoffeeScript, 还有很多其他的. 比如 Lua 就有通过 LLVM 转换成JavaScript 的实现. 前段时间的 JavaScript PC 模拟器也证明了这种思路的威力. 也许 JavaScript 就是下一个 JVM, 上面会有最适用于各种场景的各种语言. 很多人盼望 JavaScript 成为为未来的唯一语言, 看起来这是不切实际的幻想了.
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