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2023-02-14 15:55:57 9.86MB Java POI
GB2260—2007 中 国行政区划代码.pdf
2023-02-14 13:44:34 3.04MB GB2260—2007 国行政区划代码.pdf
2023-02-09 10:05:27 293KB 自然科学 论文
2023-02-07 10:29:32 856KB 工程技术 论文
There are several books about hardware verification, so what makes this book different? Put simply, this book is meant to be useful in your day-to-day work—which is why we refer to it throughout as a handbook. The authors are like you, cube dwellers, with battle scars from developing chips. We must cope with impossible schedules, a shortage of people to do the work, and constantly mutating hardware specifications. We subtitled this book An Object-Oriented Framework because a major theme of the book is how to use object-oriented programming (OOP) to do verification well. We focus on real-world examples, bloopers, and code snippets. Sure, we talk about programming theory, but the theme of this book is how to write simpler, adaptable, reusable code. We focus mainly on OOP techniques because we feel that this is the best way to manage the ever-increasing complexity of verification. We back this up with open-source Verification Intellectual Property (VIP), several complete test systems, and scripts to run them.
2023-02-05 21:45:12 3.48MB Verification SystemVerilog
有了它,在office 2003中可以很方便地直接读取2007制作的文档
2023-02-02 10:39:34 36.89MB office 2003,2007,插件, 兼容
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2023-02-02 09:09:22 20.92MB 兼容包
因为作者的上传软件容量被限制在60M,只能把这个Microsoft office2003兼容2007包分为三部分。它和网上大部分兼容包不一样,如果你用那种兼容包安装失败的话,可以试试这一个,专门解决这方面的疑难杂症,作者亲身经历。
2023-02-02 09:07:51 57.22MB 兼容
因为作者的上传软件容量被限制在60M,只能把这个Microsoft office2003兼容2007包分为三部分。它和网上大部分兼容包不一样,如果你用那种兼容包安装失败的话,可以试试这一个,专门解决这方面的疑难杂症,作者亲身经历。
2023-02-02 09:03:00 57.22MB 2003兼容2007