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2022-02-25 14:14:17 49MB GPU 精粹 Gems
2022-02-22 09:04:48 66KB 企业管理
UML精粹:标准对象建模语言简明指南-带目录 UML精粹:标准对象建模语言简明指南-带目录 UML精粹:标准对象建模语言简明指南-带目录
2022-01-31 17:27:51 5.23MB uml
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2022-01-23 00:18:47 79.52MB JAVA WEB 开发案例 高清
本书为学习交流之用,如果喜欢请购买正版。 Game Engine Gems, Volume One 362 pages Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 1 edition (March 5, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0763778885 ISBN-13: 978-0763778880 Game Engine Gems brings together in a single volume dozens of new articles from leading professionals in the game development industry. Each gem presents a previously unpublished technique related to game engines and real-time virtual simulations. Specific topics include rendering techniques, shaders, scene organization, visibility determination, collision detection, audio, user interface, input devices, memory management, artificial intelligence, resource organization, and cross-platform considerations. A CD-ROM containing all the source codes and demos accompanies the book.
2022-01-21 20:56:00 9.39MB 游戏 引擎 精粹
最新边缘计算实践资料精粹合集,共24份。供大家学习参阅。 5G边缘智能 5G时代的视频应用 智能云边缘计算服务及其实践 边缘计算技术趋势和挑战 边缘计算与算力网络 边缘计算助力工业互联网创新发展 边缘数据中心的产品化探索-边缘计算大会分享 标准化加速边缘云生态共建 基于EMQ产品快速构建工业互联网边缘计算框架 面向海量设备的边缘计算PaaS平台及应用实践 谐云边缘计算在通信行业的大规模落地实践 ICT融合,坚实边缘计算商用之路 MEC边缘云-5G行业数字化转型加速器 5G边缘计算助力工业现场智能 5G浪潮下的边缘计算发展趋势及投资机遇 边缘计算在电力行业的探索和发展 边缘计算助力产业数字化转型 基于EdgeX Foundry的电力行业的边缘计算实践 云边协同一体化工业互联网解决方案 开源促进边缘计算发展 全球边缘数据中心的最新商用实践 使用Baetyl框架构建边云融合的智能应用 算力加速和算网服务 EdgeGallery的边缘原生实践
2022-01-17 19:14:08 112MB 边缘计算
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2022-01-13 14:02:09 35.33MB excel函数
源代码为游戏编程精粹7的全部光盘代码 如果需要次系列的电子书或代码 可以到本人的其他资源中找
2022-01-03 21:34:54 25.58MB 源代码 c++ 电子书 人工智能
2022-01-03 21:22:49 3.41MB 游戏编程精粹 人工智能 AI 游戏
Latest collection of graphics tips in The Graphics Gems Series written by the leading programmers in the field. Contains about 50 new gems displaying the most recent and innovative techniques in graphics programming. Includes new gems on ellipses, splines, Bezier curves, and ray tracing. Disk included contains source code from all five volumes and is available in both IBM and Macintosh versions.
2021-12-30 16:46:46 121.71MB 图形精粹