2023-03-27 17:40:59 44.25MB Qt 设计模式 中文版 清晰
Editorial Reviews Review "...well written and flows smoothly...provides electrical engineering students with a new perspective in applied electromagnetics and circuit design...highly recommended." (CHOICE, September 2006) "...well written and flows smoothly...provides electrical engineering students with a new perspective in applied electromagnetics and circuit design...highly recommended." (CHOICE, September 2006) Product Description A Landmark text thoroughly updated, including a new CD As digital devices continue to be produced at increasingly lower costs and with higher speeds, the need for effective electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design practices has become more critical than ever to avoid unnecessary costs in bringing products into compliance with governmental regulations. The Second Edition of this landmark text has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect these major developments that affect both academia and the electronics industry. Readers familiar with the First Edition will find much new material, including: * Latest U.S. and international regulatory requirements * PSpice used throughout the textbook to simulate EMC analysis solutions * Methods of designing for Signal Integrity * Fortran programs for the simulation of Crosstalk supplied on a CD * OrCAD(r) PSpice(r) Release 10.0 and Version 8 Demo Edition software supplied on a CD * The final chapter on System Design for EMC completely rewritten * The chapter on Crosstalk rewritten to simplify the mathematics Detailed, worked-out examples are now included throughout the text. In addition, review exercises are now included following the discussion of each important topic to help readers assess their grasp of the material. Several appendices are new to this edition including Phasor Analysis of Electric Circuits, The Electromagnetic Field Equations and Waves, Computer Codes for Calculating the Per-Unit-Length Parameters and Crosstalk of Multiconductor Transmission Lines, and a SPICE (PSPICE) tutorial. Now thoroughly updated, the Second Edition of Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility remains the textbook of choice for university/college EMC courses as well as a reference for EMC design engineers. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department. From the Publisher Deals with the topic of interference (electromagnetic compatibility) in electronic systems. It builds on basic undergraduate electrical engineering concepts and principles and applies them to the design of electronic systems that operate compatibly with other electronic systems and do not create interference phenomena. To facilitate classroom teaching it is divided in two parts. The first provides the basic principles and skills for review, while the second refers to applications and aspects of EMC design. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From the Back Cover A Landmark text thoroughly updated, including a new CD As digital devices continue to be produced at increasingly lower costs and with higher speeds, the need for effective electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design practices has become more critical than ever to avoid unnecessary costs in bringing products into compliance with governmental regulations. The Second Edition of this landmark text has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect these major developments that affect both academia and the electronics industry. Readers familiar with the First Edition will find much new material, including: Latest U.S. and international regulatory requirements PSpice used throughout the textbook to simulate EMC analysis solutions Methods of designing for Signal Integrity Fortran programs for the simulation of Crosstalk supplied on a CD OrCAD® PSpice® Release 10.0 and Version 8 Demo Edition software supplied on a CD The final chapter on System Design for EMC completely rewritten The chapter on Crosstalk rewritten to simplify the mathematics Detailed, worked-out examples are now included throughout the text. In addition, review exercises are now included following the discussion of each important topic to help readers assess their grasp of the material. Several appendices are new to this edition including Phasor Analysis of Electric Circuits, The Electromagnetic Field Equations and Waves, Computer Codes for Calculating the Per-Unit-Length Parameters and Crosstalk of Multiconductor Transmission Lines, and a SPICE (PSPICE) tutorial. Now thoroughly updated, the Second Edition of Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility remains the textbook of choice for university/college EMC courses as well as a reference for EMC design engineers. About the Author CLAYTON R. PAUL, PHD, is Professor and Sam Nunn Chair of Aerospace Systems Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mercer University. He is also Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Kentucky, where he served on the faculty for twenty-seven years. Dr. Paul is the author of twelve textbooks in electrical engineering, has contributed numerous chapters to engineering handbooks and reference texts, and has published numerous technical papers in scientific journals and symposia. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Honorary Life Member of the IEEE EMC Society.
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2023-03-22 22:36:58 97.51MB three.js
2023-03-21 14:17:29 19.47MB TCP/IP 卷一 英文版
自然语言界的圣经 从本书第一版出版以来,一直好评如潮,被国外许多大学选作自然语言处理或计算语言学的教材,被认为该领域教材的“黄金标准”。 本书第一版综合了自然语言处理、计算语言学和语音识别的内容,全面论述计算机自然语言处理,深入探讨计算机处理自然语言的词汇、句法、语义、语用等各个方面的问题,介绍了自然语言处理的各种现代技术。该版对于第一版做了全面的改写,增加了大量反映自然语言处理最新成就的内容,特别是增加了语音处理和统计技术方面的内容,全书面貌为之一新。本书四大特色: 覆盖全面 强调实用 注重评测 语料为本内容简介本书全面论述了自然语言处理技术。
2023-03-20 17:24:21 181.41MB NLP
C程序设计语言第2版 超清晰电子书 C程序设计语言第2版 超清晰电子书
2023-03-19 13:13:13 2.43MB C程序设计语言第2版 超清晰电子书
2023-03-16 22:51:51 50MB c/c++
《C程序设计语言》(第2版新版)讲述深入浅出,配合典型例证,通俗易懂,实用性强,适合作为大专院校计算机专业或非计算机专业的C语言教材,也可以作为从事计算机相关软硬件开发的技术人员的参考书。《C程序设计语言》(第2版新版)原著即为C语言的设计者之一Dennis M.Ritchie和著名的计算机科学家Brian W.Kernighan合著的一本介绍C语言的权威经典著作。我们现在见到的大量论述C语言程序设计的教材和专著均以此书为蓝本。原著第1版中介绍的C语言成为后来广泛使用的C语言版本——标准C的基础。人们熟知的“hello,world”程序就是由本书首次引入的,现在,这一程序已经成为所有程序设计语言入门的第一课。 内容提要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《C程序设计语言》(第2版新版)是由C语言的设计者Brian W.Kernighan和Dennis M.Ritchie编写的一部介绍标准C语言及其程序设计方法的权威性经典著作。全面、系统地讲述了C语言的各个特性及程序设计的基本方法,包括基本概念,类型和表达式、控制流、函数与程序结构、指针与数组、结构、输入与输出、UNIX系统接口、标准库等内容。 目录    出版者的话    专家指导委员会    中文版序    译者序    校译者简介    序    第1版序    引言    第1章 导言    1.1 入门    1.2 变量与算术表态式    1.3 for语句    1.4 符号常量    1.5 字符输入/输出    1.6 数组    1.7 函数    1.8 参数——传值调用    1.9 字符数组    1.10 外部变量与作用域    第2章 类型、运算符与表达式    2.1 变量名    2.2 数据类型及长度    2.3 常量    2.4 声明    2.5 算术运算符    2.6 关系运算符与逻辑运算符    2.7 类型转换    2.8 自增运算符与自减运算符    2.9 按位运算符    2.10 赋值运算符与表达式    2.11 条件表达式    2.12 运算符优先级与求值次序    第3章 控制流    3.1 语句与程序块    3.2 if-else语句    3.3 else-if语句    3.4 switch语句    3.5 whil循环与for特环    3.6 do-while循环    3.7 break语句与continue语句    3.8 goto语句与标号    第4章 涵数与程序结构    第5章 指针与数组    第6章 结构    第7章 输入与输出    第8章 UNIX系统接口    附录A 参考手册    附录B 标准库    附录C 变更小结    索引 作者介绍 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brian W.Kernighan贝尔实验室计算科学研究中心高级研究人员,著名的计算机科学家。他参加了UNIX系统、C语言、AWK语言和许多其他系统的开发,同时出版了许多在计算机领域具有影响的著作,如《The C Proguamming Language》、《The Elementsof Programming Style》等。 推荐资源 C# 编程实例与技巧 C 程序开发经典实例之一.doc windows程序设计第五版(中文版) 贪吃蛇 游戏 C++ C# 程序开发范例宝典(第二版) 源代码 20~21 C、C++面试题大全 Java程序员就业面试大全 程序员面霸手册(笔试面试的葵花宝典) visual c++6.0应用编程150例源代码 经典的经典C#经典面试题 作者其他资源编程大讲坛:C语言核心开发技术从入门到精通(光盘代码) C语言库函数功能查询器(绿色版) 共有评论81条 hua5040发表的评论 学习,收藏。。。 时间:2010-10-22 18:09:48 来自:58.60.231.* chenshanmeizhu发表的评论 bucuo hen nanzhao 时间:2010-10-18 11:04:36 来自:116.228.2.* llf_17发表的评论 很好的书,经典 时间:2010-10-17 19:21:45 来自:221.12.174.* jujyter发表的评论 绝对的c中经典 时间:2010-10-17 16:36:25 来自:115.25.169.* z_free发表的评论 学习 学习 看看 时间:2010-10-17 10:11:32 来自:221.212.116.*共81个 下一页 发表评论现在有81人对本文发表评论 热门Tag JAVA C++ linux C# 教程 C语言 android 源码 PDF 编程 sql c Windows matlab ORACLE 源代码 api 中文 数据库 arm JavaScript 破解 数据结构 vc visual jQuery 计算机 答案 单片机 php JSP mfc .NET 中文版 VB 本周热点资源 C、C++面试题大全 嵌入式Linux系统开发技术详解--基于ARM(完整版) 程序员面霸手册(笔试面试的葵花宝典) visual c++6.0应用编程150例源代码 Dom文档对象模型-2010版 linux的内核及其内核源码分析1 嵌入式系统的C程序设计 Java程序员就业面试大全 经典的经典C#经典面试题 C、C++ 网络通讯笔试题大全 linux的内核及其内核源码分析2 嵌入式系统的内核引导启动过程浅析 linux的内核及其内核源码分析U-Boot PoorSakura vol.4 中文补丁(雯雅婷4 汉化补丁) 嵌入式系统构件基于arm sqlserver2005技术内幕:t-sql程序设计part1(中文完整版分4份下) C# 编程实例与技巧 本周上传用户排名 122个star20100906 43个aa3323036 28个sai5201314vicky 28个ltx0724 26个fengboss2010 23个zhoulei3862422 20个lghndyz 19个melody9758 19个qks123 19个DoomLord 17个afd_326 16个yuxuanmoge 16个bianchdaiw 16个muddy12345 15个zk6010 15个yosen 15个lleheaven 公司简介|招贤纳士|广告服务|银行汇款帐号|联系方式|版权声明|法律顾问|问题报告北京创新乐知广告有限公司 版权所有, 京 ICP 证 070598 号世纪乐知(北京)网络技术有限公司 提供技术支持江苏乐知网络技术有限公司 提供商务支持 Email:webmaster@csdn.netCopyright © 1999-2010, CSDN.NET, All Rights Reserved
智能控制(第2版)[刘金琨] 配套课件 控制类专业必看书目
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Boost程序库由C++标准委员会部分成员所设立的Boost社区开发并维护,它功能强大、构造精巧、跨平台、开源并且完全免费,被称为“C++‘准’标准库”,已被广泛应用在实际软件开发中。 C++的最新标准(C++11)已经正式公布,而早在这之前,Boost就已经使用库的形式实现了大部分新功能——而且是完全基于C++98标准实现的,内容涵盖智能指针、文本处理、并发、模板元编程等许多领域,其范围之广内涵之深甚至要超过C++11标准,极大地增强了C++的功能和表现力。 《Boost程序库探秘:深度解析C++准标准库(第2版)》基于Boost 1.54版,深入探讨了其中的许多重要组件,包括迭代器、函数对象、容器、流处理、序列化以及C++语言中最复杂最具威力的模板元编程,并专辟一章详细阐述Boost的开发实例,具有较强的实用性,可帮助读者更好更快地理解掌握Boost的高级用法。 全书内容丰富、组织得当、概念清晰、讲解细致,是广大C++程序员和爱好者的必备好书。
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