这是一个wrl文件可以用来学习vrml #VRML V2.0 utf8 EXTERNPROTO BlaxxunZone [ eventIn MFNode addEvents eventIn MFNode removeEvents exposedField MFNode events ][ "shared.wrl#BlaxxunZone", "http://www.blaxxun.com/vrml/protos/shared.wrl#BlaxxunZone" ] EXTERNPROTO SharedEvent [ exposedField SFString name # for accessing a special event eventIn SFColor colorFromServer eventOut SFColor colorToServer eventIn SFColor set_color eventOut SFColor color_changed eventIn SFRotation rotationFromServer eventOut SFRotation rotationToServer eventIn SFRotation set_rotation eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed eventOut SFString string_changed eventIn SFString stringFromServer ] [ "shared.wrl#SharedEvent", "http://www.blaxxun.com/vrml/protos/shared.wrl#SharedEvent" ] DEF SharedZone BlaxxunZone { events [ DEF SharedColor SharedEvent { name "newColor" } DEF SharedRotation SharedEvent { name "newRotation" } ] } DEF BoxSwitch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ DEF BoxRotation Transform { children [ Shape { # 红色立方体 appearance Appearance { material DEF BoxColor Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 } } geometry Box { } } ] } ] } # 此球体用来更换颜色 Transform { translation -4 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 } } geometry Sphere {} }, DEF ColorSensor TouchSensor {}, DEF ColorScript Script { eventIn SFTime clicked eventIn SFString changeColor eventOut SFColor color_changed eventOut SFColor color_changed_from_bot url "vrmlscript: function clicked (value, time) { color_changed = new SFColor(Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random()); } function changeColor (value, time) { tempColor = new SFColor(1,0,0); temp = new SFString(value); pos1 = 7; for (i=0; i<3;i++){ temp2 = new SFString(temp.substring(pos1,pos1+1)); if (temp2 == '1') tempColor[i] = 1; pos2 = temp.indexOf(' ',pos1); pos1 = pos2+1; } color_changed_from_bot = tempColor; } " } ] } # 此锥体用来旋转更换 Transform { translation 4 0 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 } } geometry Cone {} }, DEF RotSensor TouchSensor {}, DEF RotationScript Script { field MFString newurl [ "OnEvent( par1, par2 )" ] # field MFString newurl [ "javascript:OnJSEvent( )" ] field MFString param [ "" "" ] eventIn SFTime clicked eventIn SFTime set_string eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed url "vrmlscript: function clicked (value, time) { angle = Math.random()*6.283; rotation_changed = new SFRotation(0,1,0,angle); } function set_string (value, time) { newurl[0] = 'OnEvent ( ' + 'your par1 ' + ',' + 'your par2' + ')'; Browser.loadURL (newurl,param); } " } ] } Transform { translation 0 -3 0 children [ DEF ChangeString Text { string "ChangeString" } ] } Script { url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { }" } #ROUTE RotSensor.touchTime TO RotationScript.clicked ROUTE RotSensor.touchTime TO RotationScript.set_string #ROUTE RotationScript.rotation_changed TO SharedRotation.set_rotation ROUTE RotationScript.rotation_changed TO BoxRotation.set_rotation ROUTE SharedRotation.rotation_changed TO BoxRotation.rotation ROUTE ColorSensor.touchTime TO ColorScript.clicked ROUTE ColorScript.color_changed TO SharedColor.set_color ROUTE SharedColor.color_changed TO BoxColor.diffuseColor ROUTE ColorScript.color_changed_from_bot TO BoxColor.diffuseColor ROUTE SharedColor.string_changed TO ColorScript.changeColor
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1、资料包含协议文档、测试数据用例、串口配置等参数。 2、串口波特率选择,默认表头出厂都为2400,除非出厂时有与厂家做定制,如若测试用例数据无法返回则更换波特率测试。 3、测试工具:软件-串口助手,硬件-电表表头、485转TTL转接板、TTL串口工具。
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这是一份,IDO老徐根据十几年的测试经验,写的APP通用测试资料 & 流程 。 对于新人,根据这份通用用例,就可以直接上手app的测试工作 。 与大家搜索引擎检索的各类app资料不同,那些资料,都泛滥了,都是copy ,无用。 具体,大家下载,便知 。 有问题,也可以给我留言 。
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无论是UI自动化还是API自动化,我们每次执行的时候都会执行当前我们需要执行的所有用例,但是如何只执行一个方法执行所有的测试用例呢?discover能够帮助我们。   为了方便大家:代码在下面 #encoding:utf-8 import unittest # @unittest.skip('class skip') class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): # 跳过该用例 # @unittest.skip("test_case01") def test_case01(self): self.assertEqual(Tr
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