2019-12-21 21:42:39 64B 视频
2019-12-21 21:42:39 64B 视频 java web
2019-12-21 20:41:36 109.67MB ACM 程序设计 数据结构 竞赛
2019-12-21 20:07:27 77.97MB 通信新读 陈小锋 完整 扫描
With the ongoing release of 3D movies and the emergence of 3D TVs, 3D imaging technologies have penetrated our daily lives. Yet choosing from the numerous 3D vision methods available can be frustrating for scientists and engineers, especially without a comprehensive resource to consult. Filling this gap, Handbook of 3D Machine Vision: Optical Metrology and Imaging gives an extensive, in-depth look at the most popular 3D imaging techniques. It focuses on noninvasive, noncontact optical methods (optical metrology and imaging). The handbook begins with the well-studied method of stereo vision and explains how random speckle patterns or space-time varying patterns substantially improve the results of stereo vision. It then discusses stereo particle image velocimetry as a major experimental means in fluid dynamics, the robust and easy-to-implement structured-light technique for computer science applications, digital holography for performing micro- to nanoscale measurements, and grating, interferometry, and fringe projection techniques for precisely measuring dynamically deformable natural objects. The book goes on to describe techniques that do not require triangulation to recover a 3D shape, including time-of-flight techniques and uniaxial 3D shape measurement, as well as 3D measurement techniques that are not restricted to surface capture, such as 3D ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, and 3D endoscopy. The book also explores how novel 3D imaging techniques are being applied in the promising field of biometrics―which may prove essential to security and public safety. Written by key players in the field and inventors of important imaging technologies, this authoritative, state-of-the-art handbook helps you understand the core of 3D imaging technology and choose the proper 3D imaging technique for your needs. For each technique, the book provides its mathematical foundations, summarizes its successful applications, and discusses its limitations.
2019-12-21 19:55:41 17.61MB Handbook 3D machine vision
用户网络行为画像 大数据中的用户网络行为画像分析与内容推荐应用 完整高清版带目录,可以目录检索
2019-12-21 19:48:54 66.13MB 用户画像
本书英文版自首次出版以来,发行量已突破40万册。美国很多太学将本书用作写作课教材和撰写各级毕业论文的指导用书,不同领域的资深研究者也将之视为撰写研究性报告、学术著作权威指南。本书还被翻译成多种语言在全世界广泛发行。 作者强调,无论是撰写学位论文、调研报告,还是撰写一部图书,研究者应突破自我中心,从目标读者的角度出发,来寻找读者关心的话题,用读者接受的语言和文体写作,预见读者可能提出的富有见解而又挑剔的意见并加以回应。成功的论文、研究报告或图书其实是一场在作者与读者间精心组织的对话。 本书逻辑严谨,语言简练,能够帮助读者培养缜密细致的思维与准确清晰的语言表达能力。无论你是本科生、研究生、大学教师,还是公司职员、管理人员、政府公务员;无论你要从事何种研究,撰写何种报告,本书所阐述的方法都将给您实用而有益的帮助。
2019-12-21 19:44:36 3.01MB 论文 报告 研究
Qt中的C++技术 完整高清扫描版,带书签。学习QT C++开发必备书籍
2019-12-21 19:44:03 136.44MB QT  C++
数字图像处理 【第3版】-完整高清
2019-12-21 19:29:51 137.18MB 其他
模拟电子技术基础 第5版 学习辅导与习题解答-完整-高清
2019-12-21 19:29:51 97.63MB 教材