2021-12-28 15:09:52 229KB 13.56MHZ 远距离天线 设计方案
国外经典的天线设计教材 I wrote this book from my perspective as a designer in industry, primarily for other designers and users of antennas. On occasion I have prepared and taught antenna courses, for which I developed a systematic approach to the subject. For the last decade I have edited the “Antenna Designer’s Notebook” column in the IEEE antenna magazine. This expanded edition adds a combination of my own design notebook and the many other ideas provided to me by others, leading to this collection of ideas that I think designers should know. The book contains a systematic approach to the subject. Every author would like to be read from front to back, but my own career assignments would have caused to me to jump around in this book. Nevertheless, Chapter 1 covers those topics that every user and designer should know. Because I deal with complete antenna design, which includes mounting the antenna, included are the effects of nearby structures and how they can be used to enhance the response. We all study ideal antennas floating in free space to help us understand the basics, but the real world is a little different. Instead of drawing single line graphs of common relationships between two parameters, I generated scales for calculations that I perform over and over. I did not supply a set of computer programs because I seldom use collections supplied by others, and younger engineers find my programs quaint, as each generation learns a different computer language. You’ll learn by writing your own. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society’s digital archive of all material published from 1952 to 2000 has changed our approach to research. I have not included extensive bibliographies, because I believe that it is no longer necessary. The search engine of the archive can supply an exhaustive list. I referred only to papers that I found particularly helpful. Complete sets of the transactions are available in libraries, whereas the wealth of information in the archive from conferences was not. I have started mining this information, which contains many useful design ideas, and have incorporated some of them in this book. In this field, 40-year-old publications are still useful and we should not reinvent methods. Many clever ideas from industry are usually published
2021-12-23 19:07:25 9.76MB 天线
2021-12-22 16:12:53 520KB 天线
2021-12-22 15:40:58 16.08MB 天线
半波偶极子天线是一种结构简单的基本线天线,也是一种经典的、迄今为止使用最广泛的天线之一。偶极子天线是研究天线的基础,最常用的就是半波偶极子天线,其具有很多特性,比如辐射特性阻抗特性,波长缩短效应,谐振特性等,它既可作为简单的天线单独使用,又可作为天线阵的单元或面天线的馈源,具有很大的研究意义。 本文通过对相关电磁场理论分析的研究,按照设计要求设计了半波偶极子天线的相关参数并用HFSS仿真,通过对得到的仿真结果进行分析,可以看出所设计半波偶极子符合设计要求且性能良好。
2021-12-15 16:36:20 266KB 电磁场 半波偶极子 天线 北理工
在无线网络迅速发展的今天,天线的地位及其应用被人们日益重视。本文系统的介绍WIFI天线制作方法,理论分析依据,及其制作过程中的技术要求。 本文具体内容包涵WIFI知识, WIFI是种短程无线传输技术。具体理论分析计算制作WIFI天线形状、尺寸大小及其选用材料,具体制作WIFI天线的过程。及其测试WIFI天线性能,对比系统自带天线。包涵制作心得及其制作技巧,此天线原理简单,制作成功率高,是各位无线网络DIY爱好者初级制作首选。
2021-12-14 18:27:40 2.86MB WIFI天线
天线设计注意事项 PIFA 天线基本注意: 1,天线空间一般要求预留空间:W(宽),L(长),H(高)其中W(15-25mm)、 L(35-45mm)、 H(6-8mm)。其中H 和天线谐振频率的带宽密切相关。W、L 决定天线的最低频率。如果天 线面积如下: 双频(GSM/DCS):600x6~8mm 三频(GSM/DCS/PCS):700x7~8mm 满足以上要求则GSM 频段一般可能达到-1~0dBi,DCS/PCS 可达0~1dBi。当然高度越高越 好,带宽性能得到保证。 2,内置天线尽量远离周围马达、SPEARKER、RECEIVER 等较大金属物体。有时候有摄像 头出现,这时候应该把天线这块挖空,尽量作好摄像头FPC 的屏蔽(镀银襁),否则会影响 接收灵敏度。尽量避免PCB 上微带、引线等与天线弹片平行。 3,内置天线附近的结构件(面)不要有喷涂导电漆等导电物质。 4,手机天线附近区域不要做电镀工艺以及避免设计金属装饰件等。有环形的
2021-12-14 18:13:29 91KB 天线设计注意事项
本文设计了一种微带天线,其长度为19 mm,宽度为7.5 mm.尺寸小、结构简单、易于加工,可工作在无线局域网的2.4 GHz、5.2 GHz、5.8 GHz三频段,在手机中具有很高的应用价值。
2021-12-14 17:49:33 208KB Wlan 小型化 三频带 微带天线
2021-12-13 19:34:45 398KB 倒F天线
2021-12-13 10:58:49 1.05MB 教程