2019-12-21 21:47:14 13.97MB C-FREE
RoboWare Studio是ROS的一款IDE,基于微软开源的VSCode开发,功能比较强大,使得开发更加快速、简单。是目前最好用的ROS开发工具了。目前RoboWare官网登不上去,这个安装包是之前在官网上下载的
2019-12-21 21:43:54 71.83MB ROS IDE
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005简体中文版 Visual Studio 2005是基于.NET2.0框架的。它同时也能开发跨平台的应用程序,如开发使用微软操作系统的手机的程序等。总体来说是一个非常庞大的软件,甚至包含代码测试功能。这个版本的Visual Studio 包含有众多版本,分别面向不同的开发角色。同时还永久提供免费的Visual Studio Express 版本
2019-12-21 21:43:23 346B vs2005 ide
尚硅谷_宋红康_IntelliJIDEA的安装、配置与使用(带目录) 本课程在腾讯课堂或尚硅谷免费观看学习 尚硅谷 Java视频教程 宋红康 IntelliJIDEA的安装、配置与使用 课程配套文档
2019-12-21 21:35:11 5.1MB IntelliJ IDE IntelliJ IDEA
针对MPLAB® X IDE使用PICKit™ 3在线调试器
2019-12-21 21:33:09 3.25MB MPLAB PICKit™ 3 在线调试器
Beginning NetBeans IDE is your authoritative guide for getting started learning and using the free and open source NetBeans IDE. Written by Geertjan Wielenga, who has worked on the NetBeans Team since 2004, it shows you what the IDE is all about and how to use it with real-world case studies built from the ground up as you learn all about the IDE. In this book, you get a tour of the various, essential, and key NetBeans features, including a range of wizards and plug-ins. Then, you start building a more complex Java EE-based application using Maven with the NetBeans IDE. And, you learn how to improve that application by exploring the NetBeans refactoring, testing, debugging, and profiling tools. After reading and using this guide, you'll come away with a working case study and many insights into how to understand and optimally make use of NetBeans IDE.
2019-12-21 21:32:05 17.23MB Beginning NetBeans IDE
直指运行, Patch 成功之后, 使用 Generate 生成的文件进行注册,就可以使用了。 特别注明一下,使用流程与之前的v21完全相同。 愿你使用 slickedit 开心快乐
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Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers软件下载
2019-12-21 21:15:53 48B Eclipse for Java EE
VC下获取硬盘信息,支持IDE,SCSI. 运行后如下: Physical drive 0 ---- Model number: Hitachi HTS541280H9AT00 Serial number: HP0C00BFGV8NJAGV8NJA Firmware reversion: HP3OA23C ATA/ATAPI versions supported: , ATA-2, ATA-3, ATA/ATAPI-4, ATA/ATAPI-5, ATA/ATAPI-6 Buffer size on drive: 7709184 bytes Cylinders: 16383 Heads: 16 Sectors per track: 63 Total sectors: 156301488 Total size: 80026361856 bytes Addressable cylinders in CHS translation: 16383 Addressable heads in CHS translation: 16 Addressable sectors per track in CHS translation: 63 Addressable sectors in CHS translation: 16514064 Addressable size in CHS translation: 8455200768 bytes Advanced PIO modes supported: 3 DMA supported: Yes LBA supported: Yes IORDY supported: Yes IORDY may be disabled: Yes Overlap operation supported: No Command queuing supported: No Interleaved DMA supported: No Ultra DMA mode 0 (16.7Mb/s) supported: Yes Ultra DMA mode 1 (25Mb/s) supported: Yes Ultra DMA mode 2 (33Mb/s) supported: Yes Ultra DMA mode 3 (44Mb/s) supported: Yes Ultra DMA mode 4 (66Mb/s) supported: Yes Ultra DMA mode 5 (100Mb/s) supported: Yes Ultra DMA mode 6 (133Mb/s) supported: No Ultra DMA mode 7 (166Mb/s) supported: No Ultra DMA mode currently selected: 5
2019-12-21 21:13:06 59KB 硬盘信息
xc8_v1.41破解文件 PIC XC8 V1.41 PRO版,编译器破解文件,将附件文件覆盖编译器bin目录下原文件即可。你懂的。。。。。。。 编译前把编译选项的Free改成PRO
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