Unity 最新版RT-Voice PRO 2022.1.2 文本字转语音频实时生成插件
2022-06-29 09:09:25 10.97MB unity3d
Si3 是一款高级的 IDE(一款代码编辑器),供脚本、着色器和文本资源使用,无缝地整合进 Unity 编辑器。Si3 带有对上下文灵敏的 C# 脚本自动补全功能,以及一系列其他工具、热键绑定和鼠标处理。
2022-06-28 19:07:08 2.04MB Unity3d ScriptInspector Script_editor
This is huge city constructor, low-poly and optimized for mobile devices. Consists of 75+ individual pieces that you can put together and create hundreds of different variations for houses, road junctions, street/traffic lights, etc. Comes with 2 Atlas hand-painted textures (houses 2048x2048 and street objects 1024x1024). Also includes: 2 skins (summer and winter) and special elements (night and Christmasambiance) 50+ Prefabs included to show off what you can achieve and save your time!
2022-06-28 14:44:46 9.54MB Cartoon City unity3d
2022-06-28 14:06:49 5.78MB unity3d webbrowser mobile
QHierarchy is an editor extension that adds several often used functions to hierarchy window: - Displaying the icon of a GameObject - Showing / hiding a GameObject - Locking / unlocking a GameObject - Prevent selection of locked GameObject - Displaying tag and layer of a GameObject - Displaying color label for a GameObject - Displaying the icon of MonoBehaviour script attached to a GameObject - GameObject can be showed / hidden only for edit-time, and the visibility state will return during play-time - Displaying the number of children of a GameObject - Displaying the number of vertices and triangles of the GameObject (can display the number including all children) - Change the colors of icons and labels - Displaying custom icon for any layer - Displaying custom icon for any tag - Displaying prefab connection status - Displaying static flags icon of GameObject - Displaying the error icon (MonoBehaviour script missing / Reference property is null / String property is empty / Callback of event is missing) - Displaying icons of all scripts that attached to a GameObject - Showing / hiding wireframe objects - Enable / Disable MeshRenderer - Order of icons can be changed - Displaying the list of GameObjects in the form of a tree - Option to add right indent (useful if you use other plugins that add another icons to the hierarchy window) - Any feature can be disabled - Source Code Included. Website | Documentation | Contacts Compatible with Unity 4.6.0+ / 5.0.1+ / 2017.1+ / 2018.1+
2022-06-28 13:45:18 350KB Unity3d Unity插件 QHierarchy Unity
unity3d shader 工具 里面包含类sss效果 各种高光 散射的 实现
2022-06-28 13:23:39 18.42MB unity3d shader 材质
Unity进行安卓开发,有时会需要使用NDK,不同版本的Unity对NDK版本要求不一致。 比如Unity2021.3.3f1要使用21.3.6528147这个版本;Unity2020.3.20f1要使用19.0.5232133。因此下载对应版本NDK就至关重要。 我这里提供了一个可以下载所有版本的NDK的方法。 希望可以帮到你。
2022-06-27 21:04:53 184B NDK Unity Unity3D android
Unity官方开发的Sign in with Apple插件,版本1.1.1,目前已下架AssetStore。 供有需要的朋友使用
2022-06-27 21:04:52 1.04MB Unity Unity3D 苹果登录
Stylized-Water:用于Unity的风格化水着色器 StylizedWaterShader v2.1.4
2022-06-27 16:05:36 16.59MB unity3d
2022-06-27 14:57:04 79.69MB 游戏 塔防 安卓 Unity3D