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观众 基于 OpenSceneGraph 的 Qt 小部件显示图像和 3D 点云
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Mastering Qt 5 English | 6 Feb. 2017 | ISBN: 1786467127 | 575 Pages | AZW3/MOBI/EPUB/PDF (conv) | 25.28 MB Key Features Unleash the power of Qt 5 with C++14 Integrate useful third-party libraries such as OpenCV Package and deploy your application on multiple platforms Book Description Qt 5.6 is an application development framework that provides a great user experience and develops full-capability applications with OpenGl/ OpenGL ES graphics acceleration. This book will address challenges in successfully developing cross-platform applications with the Qt framework. Cross-platform development needs a well organized project. Using this book, you will have a better understanding of the Qt framework and the tools to resolve serious issues such as linking, debugging, and multithreading. Your journey will start with the new Qt 5 features. Then you will explore different platforms and learn to tame them. Every chapter along the way is a logical step that you must take to master Qt. The journey will end in an application that has been tested and is ready to be shipped. What you will learn Create stunning UIs with Qt Widget and Qt Quick Develop powerful, cross-platform applications with the Qt framework Design GUIs with the Qt Designer and build a library in it for UI preview Handle user interaction with the Qt signal/slot mechanism in C++ Prepare a cross-platform project to host a third-party library Develop a Qt application using the OpenCV API Use the Qt Animation framework to display stunning effects Deploy mobile apps with Qt and embedded platforms
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本文实例讲述了WebGL利用FBO完成立方体贴图效果的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 这篇主要记录WebGL的一些基本要点,顺便也学习下如何使用FBO与环境贴图。先看下效果图(需要支持WebGL,Chrome,火狐,IE11)。 主要实现过程如下,先用FBO输出当前环境在立方体纹理中,再画出当前立方体,最后画球,并且把FBO关联的纹理贴在这个球面上。 开始WebGL时,最好有些OpenGL基础,在前面讲Obj完善与MD2时,大家可能已经发现了,因为着色器的添加使用,原来一些Opengl大部分API已经没有使用。WebGL就和这差不多,大部分功能是着色器完成主要功能,记录下主要过程,大
2022-12-15 23:42:41 147KB demo em opengl