特斯拉电池技术真相,第二部分The Truth About Tesla Model 3 Batteries - Part 2
2021-04-05 09:03:52 176.01MB 特斯拉电池
In this thesis we consider the problem of designing and implementing Model Predictive Controllers (MPC) for stabilizing the dynamics of an autonomous ground vehicle. For such a class of systems, the non-linear dynamics and the fast sampling time limit the real-time implementation of MPC algorithms to local and linear operating regions. This phenomenon becomes more relevant when using the limited computational resources of a standard rapid prototyping system for automotive applications. In this thesis we first study the design and the implementation of a nonlinear MPC controller for an Active Font Steering (AFS) problem. At each time step a trajectory is assumed to be known over a finite horizon, and the nonlinear MPC controller computes the front steering angle in order to follow the trajectory on slippery roads at the highest possible entry speed. We demonstrate that experimental tests can be performed only at low vehicle speed on a dSPACE rapid prototyping system with a frequency of 20 Hz. Then, we propose a low complexity MPC algorithm which is real-time capable for wider operating range of the state and input space (i.e., high vehicle speed and large slip angles). The MPC control algorithm is based on successive on-line linearizations of the nonlinear vehicle model (LTV MPC). We study performance and stability of the proposed MPC scheme. Performance is improved through an ad hoc stabilizing state and input constraints arising from a careful study of the vehicle nonlinearities. The stability of the LTV MPC is enforced by means of an additional convex constraint to the finite time optimization problem. We used the proposed LTV MPC algorithm in order to design AFS controllers and combined steering and braking controllers. We validated the proposed AFS and combined steering and braking MPC algorithms in real-time, on a passenger vehicle equipped with a dSPACE rapid prototyping system. Experiments have been performed in a testing center equipped with snowy and icy tracks. For both controllers we showed that vehicle stabilization can be achieved at high speed (up to 75 Kph) on icy covered roads. This research activity has been supported by Ford Research Laboratories, in Dearborn, MI, USA.
2021-04-05 03:59:19 4.1MB MPC
nonlinear model predictive control (第二版含MATLAB仿真实例)
2021-04-03 11:16:23 5.74MB MATLAB
2021-04-02 12:04:40 2.61MB QT 自定义Model 代理控件
qt表格自定义model,支持分页展示,支持上一页、下一页、跳转页,总页数等功能, 配合则我的另外一个表格资源学习,效果更佳
2021-04-02 12:04:39 9KB QT 高性能表格分页
《Bayesian Data Analysis》一书中的第5章Hierarchical Bayesian Model有个关于层次贝叶斯模型的例子。该书讲了方法,但没有实现的代码。我把用R实现该模型的过程记录在文档。文件夹还包含了该书的数据集
2021-04-01 23:29:35 511KB R 层次贝叶斯
露娜| 달님|月 Luna ML项目 Luna项目提供了ML模型的排行榜,并提供了更多功能来实现更快的ML模型开发迭代。 ML排行榜保留ML模型及其得分的元数据和指标。 因此,您的团队可以找到需要解决的问题,并获取有关其发展过程的信息。 计划的组件是 页首横幅:针对每个项目,根据得分列出ML模型 评分系统:对提交的ML模型进行静态或动态评分 项目统计信息:提供每个项目的见解,其历史得分的演变 集成到模型服务(第二阶段):触发并从您的ML模型服务基础获取状态信息 这是UI的预览。 访问以了解有关该项目及其背后思想的更多信息。 入门 云 单击下面的按钮在云上运行Luna ML排行榜的私有实例。 码头工人 构建包含Dockerfile并运行。 # build docker image docker build -t luna . # run container based on the i
2021-03-31 21:33:32 10KB QComboBox
2021-03-31 10:03:52 6.44MB 汽车 matlab simulink simulink模型
2021-03-30 21:10:50 1KB jakes model 锐利 多径