Programming Massively Parallel Processors 2nd Edition,深入学习CUDA的经典教材。
2021-11-17 00:18:45 21.4MB CUDA Parallel Computing GPU
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Paperback: 674 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd edition (June 21, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 1484243536 ISBN-13: 978-1484243534
2021-11-16 15:45:19 16.33MB python
经典的JavaScript教程 《O'Reilly精品图书系列:JavaScript权威指南(第6版)》讲述的内容涵盖JavaScript语言本身,以及Web浏览器所实现的JavaScriptAPI。《O'Reilly精品图书系列:JavaScript权威指南(第6版)》涵盖了HTML5和ECMAScript5,很多章节完全重写,增加了当今Web开发的实践内容,新增的章节包括jQuery、服务器端JavaScript、图形编程以及JavaScript式的面向对象。《O'Reilly精品图书系列:JavaScript权威指南(第6版)》不仅适合初学者系统学习,也适合有经验的JavaScript开发者随手翻阅。
2021-11-16 15:15:57 15.85MB JavaScript
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Elements of Information Theory 2nd Edition, by Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas 信息论基础,第二版,英文原版
2021-11-15 21:44:41 6.46MB 信息论基础 英文原版
Data modeling and database design have undergone significant evolution in recent years. Today, the relational data model and the relational database system dominate business applications. The relational model has allowed the database designer to focus on the logical and physical characteristics of a database separately. In this book, we concentrate on techniques for database design with a very strong bias for relational database systems, using the ER (entity relationship) approach for conceptual modeling (solely a logical implementation).
2021-11-15 21:11:48 3.11MB UML
This comprehensive work provides the fundamentals of computer facial animation and brings into sharper focus techniques that are becoming mainstream in the industry. Over the past decade, since the publication of the first edition, there have been significant developments by academic research groups and in the film and games industries leading to the development of morphable face models, performance driven animation, as well as increasingly detailed lip-synchronization and hair modeling techniques. These topics are described in the context of existing facial animation principles. The second edition provides an up-to-date source for professionals and academic researchers working in the field of facial animation.
2021-11-15 19:06:25 7.54MB Animation
Richard G.LYONS的DSP学习经典书,图文并茂。英文原版E-BOOK,附图清晰,PDF格式, 最新第三版。
2021-11-15 17:22:02 25.79MB DSP Richard G. Lyons
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