支持酷睿2四核Q9400 已测试很稳定,适用带IDE接口的G31T-LM_1.0主板,不要弄错了。 附带WIN版刷新工具,不熟悉BIOS升级的建议只刷新BIOS就不要MARKER了 刷新BIOS和激活信息时的操作步骤是: 需要在纯DOS下刷新 1.运行MB.bat刷新原版BIOS后 2.重新启动运行reset.bat文件清空当前BIOS内的激活信息 3.再次重新启动后运行markfile.bat文件写入激活信息 4.再次重新启动后运行MFGdone.bat配置完成 MBB.bat 可以刷新主机型号和序列号 amidedos /sp QiTianM6900 主机型号 amidedos /ss NA00000000 主机编号 amidedos /cs NA00000000 主机编号 前面发布的G31T-LM_1.0_51KT03BUS BIOS文件,同样支持Q9400,适用不带IDE接口的G31T-LM_1.0主板,不要弄错了。
2019-12-21 22:04:21 1.53MB 51KT57AUS BIOS Q9400 G31T-LM
freeScale codeWarrior IDE 教程(包含网上的所有版本),最近的工程项目中使用到了codeWarrior的C编译器,所以不得不了解一下codeWarrior的使用方法哈,与同行共勉哦~
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RoboWare Studio是ROS的一款IDE,基于微软开源的VSCode开发,功能比较强大,使得开发更加快速、简单。是目前最好用的ROS开发工具了。目前RoboWare官网登不上去,这个安装包是之前在官网上下载的
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2005简体中文版 Visual Studio 2005是基于.NET2.0框架的。它同时也能开发跨平台的应用程序,如开发使用微软操作系统的手机的程序等。总体来说是一个非常庞大的软件,甚至包含代码测试功能。这个版本的Visual Studio 包含有众多版本,分别面向不同的开发角色。同时还永久提供免费的Visual Studio Express 版本
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Beginning NetBeans IDE is your authoritative guide for getting started learning and using the free and open source NetBeans IDE. Written by Geertjan Wielenga, who has worked on the NetBeans Team since 2004, it shows you what the IDE is all about and how to use it with real-world case studies built from the ground up as you learn all about the IDE. In this book, you get a tour of the various, essential, and key NetBeans features, including a range of wizards and plug-ins. Then, you start building a more complex Java EE-based application using Maven with the NetBeans IDE. And, you learn how to improve that application by exploring the NetBeans refactoring, testing, debugging, and profiling tools. After reading and using this guide, you'll come away with a working case study and many insights into how to understand and optimally make use of NetBeans IDE.
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