ARMA谱估计简介,以及AR法对其的逼近 后面会有经典谱与现代谱源码奉上
2021-05-13 11:04:15 598KB ARMA
sklearn中api介绍 常用的api有 accuracy_score precision_score recall_score f1_score 分别是: ​ 正确率 ​ 准确率 P ​ 召回率 R ​ f1-score 其具体的计算方式: accuracy_score 只有一种计算方式,就是对所有的预测结果 判对的个数/总数 sklearn具有多种的计算方式,其中每一种模式的说明如下: 具有不同的模式 ‘micro’, ‘macro’, ‘weighted’ ``'binary'``: 只适用于二分类问题,需要pos_label指定以哪一个作为正例
2021-05-12 17:30:03 46KB ar le 分类
2021-05-12 14:04:34 1.93MB HCS-Pre-sales-数通
2021-05-12 12:01:55 189.75MB unity3d AR XR
2021-05-11 18:07:14 6.69MB VR AR
PCA简介 主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)是最常用的一种降维方法,通常用于高维数据集的探索与可视化,还可以用作数据压缩和预处理等。矩阵的主成分就是其协方差矩阵对应的特征向量,按照对应的特征值大小进行排序,最大的特征值就是第一主成分,其次是第二主成分,以此类推。 基本步骤: 具体实现 我们通过Python的sklearn库来实现鸢尾花数据进行降维,数据本身是4维的降维后变成2维,可以在平面中画出样本点的分布。样本数据结构如下图: 其中样本总数为150,鸢尾花的类别有三种,分别标记为0,1,2 代码 import
2021-05-09 01:02:39 142KB ar le 分类
C语言中 int main(int argc,char *argv[])的两个参数详解 argc是命令行总的参数个数; argv[]是argc个参数,其中第0个参数是程序的全名,以后的参数。命令行后面跟的用户输入的参数。 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; for (i = 0; i>i; return 0; }    执行时敲入     F:\MYDOCU~1\TEMPCODE\D1\DEBUG\D1.EXE
2021-05-08 22:10:19 48KB ar c char
AR Survival Shooter: AR FPS — Augmented Reality — AR Shooter – download Unity assetAR Survival Shooter is the first-person Shooter (FPS) in Augmented Reality: kill the zombies and save your life with full immersion in the game! All paid assets are included in Unity Package:— AR Camera GYRO (docs) to implement Augmented Reality for wide range of mobile devices. You can use any AR Engine (ARCore, ARKit, etc.) because there is no hard connection between Unity Project and AR Camera GYRO (docs). — Real-Time AR Shadows (docs). ☄️ FEATURESBring the enchanting Power of Augmented Reality into your amazing Game or App: — Feel the Effect of Presence with Same AR as in Pokemon GO game. — Kill 3 Types of Zombies in Real World: Bunnies, Bears & Elephants. — Defend “Iron Throne” from Enemy Damage. — Be Warned about Enemy Attacks through Red Fullscreen Flashes & Health Bar. — Mobile Optimizations: —— Object Pool with separate Enemy Manager for each Zombie prefab; —— TextMesh PRO for Texts to update them when it really needs. ☄️ FULLY COMMENTED CODEAll modules are designed independently to keep this asset extendable & easy to understand. ☄️ TESTED WITH MOBILE DEVICES— iOS on iPhone 6, 8, XS Max.— Android on Samsung Galaxy S10. ☄️ DOCS & SUPPORTFirst of all, read the docs.If it didn’t help, get the support.
2021-05-08 15:59:06 274B AR Shooter 射击 AugmentedReality
Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity by Jesse Glover Jonathan Linowes Packt Publishing English 2019-04-17 668 pages Details Title: Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity Author: Jesse Glover, Jonathan Linowes Length: 668 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2019-04-17 ISBN-10: 1838648186 ISBN-13: 9781838648183 Sales Rank: #218169 (See Top 100 Books) Categories Computers & Technology Games & Strategy Guides Programming Programming Languages Description Get close and comfortable with Unity and build applications that run on HoloLens, Daydream, and Oculus Rift Key Features Build fun augmented reality applications using ARKit, ARCore, and Vuforia Explore virtual reality by developing more than 10 engaging projects Learn how to integrate AR and VR concepts together in a single application Book Description Unity is the leading platform to develop mixed reality experiences because it provides a great pipeline for working with 3D assets. Using a practical and project-based approach, this Learning Path educates you about the specifics of AR and VR development using Unity 2018 and Unity 3D. You'll learn to integrate, animate, and overlay 3D objects on your camera feed, before moving on to implement sensor-based AR applications. You'll explore various concepts by creating an AR application using Vuforia for both macOS and Windows for Android and iOS devices. Next, you'll learn how to develop VR applications that can be experienced with devices, such as Oculus and Vive. You'll also explore various tools for VR development: gaze-based versus hand controller input, world space UI canvases, locomotion and teleportation, timeline animation, and multiplayer networking. You'll learn the Unity 3D game engine via the interactive Unity Editor and C# programming. By the end of this Learning Path, you'll be fully equipped to develop rich, interactive mixed reality experiences
2021-05-08 13:52:47 45.89MB AR VR Virtual Reality