思科模拟器Cisco Packet Tracer7.2.2 x32 Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 new features Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 removes the Java dependence and makes it easier to use Packet Tracer Skills Assessment (PTSA) and Packet Tracer Media Objects (PTMO) : After installing Packet Tracer 7.2.2, PTSA and PTMO can be used without installing the Java runtime environment. Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 can be used with current courses that have PTSA/PTMO. The Packet Tracer Skillls Assessment measure student performance and knowledge of networking concepts using Packet Tracer 7.2.2 simulation capabilities. The online Packet Tracer Skills Assessment environment presents complex network configuration tasks, scores the exams, and provides detailed feedback that supports learning and evaluation of student performance. Packet Tracer Media Objects are Packet Tracer activities that can act as an interactive media object for multiple choices, drag and drop, and fill in the blank questions. Stidents can performconfiguration review or config tasks in the PTMO activity before answering the exam question. Older version of Packet Tracer can still be used using the traditional ways to take PTSA and PTMO (with Java plugin installed).
2021-01-28 02:37:05 109.42MB Cisco Packet Tra
思科模拟器Cisco Packet Tracer7.2.2 x64 Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 new features Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 removes the Java dependence and makes it easier to use Packet Tracer Skills Assessment (PTSA) and Packet Tracer Media Objects (PTMO) : After installing Packet Tracer 7.2.2, PTSA and PTMO can be used without installing the Java runtime environment. Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2.2 can be used with current courses that have PTSA/PTMO. The Packet Tracer Skillls Assessment measure student performance and knowledge of networking concepts using Packet Tracer 7.2.2 simulation capabilities. The online Packet Tracer Skills Assessment environment presents complex network configuration tasks, scores the exams, and provides detailed feedback that supports learning and evaluation of student performance. Packet Tracer Media Objects are Packet Tracer activities that can act as an interactive media object for multiple choices, drag and drop, and fill in the blank questions. Stidents can performconfiguration review or config tasks in the PTMO activity before answering the exam question. Older version of Packet Tracer can still be used using the traditional ways to take PTSA and PTMO (with Java plugin installed).
2021-01-28 02:37:05 117.35MB Cisco Packet Tra
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