Python测试框架之nose Python测试框架之nosePython测试框架之nosePython测试框架之nosePython测试框架之nosePython测试框架之nose
2023-10-19 06:01:51 313KB nose
This book is about the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms--the basic elements from which large and complex software artifacts are built. To develop a solid understanding of a data structure requires three things: First, you must learn how the information is arranged in the memory of the computer. Second, you must become familiar with the algorithms for manipulating the information contained in the data structure. And third, you must understand the performance characteristics of the data structure so that when called upon to select a suitable data structure for a particular application, you are able to make an appropriate decision.
2023-10-18 23:26:48 3.25MB
This textbook explains the concepts and techniques required to write programs that can handle large amounts of data efficiently. Project-oriented and classroom-tested, the book presents a number of important algorithms supported by examples that bring meaning to the problems faced by computer programmers. The idea of computational complexity is also introduced, demonstrating what can and cannot be computed efficiently so that the programmer can make informed judgements about the algorithms they use. Features: includes both introductory and advanced data structures and algorithms topics, with suggested chapter sequences for those respective courses provided in the preface; provides learning goals, review questions and programming exercises in each chapter, as well as numerous illustrative examples; offers downloadable programs and supplementary files at an associated website, with instructor materials available from the author; presents a primer on Python for those from a different language background. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Python Programming 101 Chapter 2 Computational Complexity Chapter 3 Recursion Chapter 4 Sequences Chapter 5 Sets and Maps Chapter 6 Trees Chapter 7 Graphs Chapter 8 Membership Structures Chapter 9 Heaps Chapter 10 Balanced Binary Search Trees Chapter 11 B-Trees Chapter 12 Heuristic Search Appendix A: Integer Operators Appendix B: Float Operators Appendix C: String Operators and Methods Appendix D: List Operators and Methods Appendix E: Dictionary Operators and Methods Appendix F: Turtle Methods Appendix H: Complete Programs
2023-10-18 23:12:32 12.82MB "Data Structures" Algorithms Python
2023-10-18 17:16:39 910.35MB 人工智能 编程语言 python
介绍 这是一个python模块,旨在公开来自Hikvision IP摄像机或nvr的常见API事件。 大多数经过重新标记的模型在完整功能下也可以正常工作。 代码是根据MIT许可获得许可的。 要求 如果使用内部回调方法,则不需要外部库,否则: [pyDispatcher] 2.0.5 安装 pip install pyhik 用法 import pyhik . hikvision camera = pyhik . hikvision . HikCamera ( 'http://X.X.X.X' , port = 80 , usr = 'admin' , pwd = '1234' ) 可用方法 回呼 add_update_callback(callback,msg)-用于注册更新回调函数。 **信息应采用以下格式 特性 get_id-
2023-10-18 15:00:39 14KB python hacktoberfest hikvision hikvision-camera
心脏病数据集,详细内容可参考文章: UCI Heart Disease Dataset.csv是对官网数据集做处理后的数据集,heart为Kaggle数据集。
2023-10-18 11:40:49 9KB python
基于PyQt5实时曲线绘制源代码和串口调试助手源代码带文件保存加载十六进制显示 Python两个工程的源代码 1.功能介绍: 包含两个程序:1.使用PyQt5编写实现的串口调试助手及源代码,2.pyqtgraph波形曲线显示源代码。 串口助手除了收发文本框外,还带有波特率数据位停止位校验位等参数设定,并具备十六进制收发,定时发送,保存到文件等功能。 波形绘制程序,除了曲线外,还带有开始停止测量,数据记录和数据加载等功能。 源代码均有详细的注释,并提供服务。 2.环境说明: 开发环境是PyQt5,使用Python自带的串口库serial,波形曲线采用pyqtgraph库。 源代码中包含注释,设计说明文档等。 请将源码放到纯英文路径下再编译。 3.使用介绍: 可直接运行在可执行程序里的exe文件,操作并了解软件运行流程。 也可以使用Edit With IDLE 3.7编辑工具来运行Python脚本。 4.子功能模块介绍: 串口调试助手带有十六进制收发功能; 串口参数设定功能; 数据保存功能,可保存到指定文件; 带有定时发送功能,时间可设定; 带有详细注释,初学者可快速上手; 波形曲线程序带
2023-10-18 09:21:54 1.85MB 软件/插件 python
理论上所有AR CPU装openwrt的路由都能用,gevengt的好处是可以大幅降低FQ时的CPU占用率,未装gevent的时候,FQ时CPU占用率可以飙升到2以上,安装后,最高CPU占用率0.75
2023-10-18 06:04:56 12KB python
python3.5客户端下载,绿色免安装。 python3.5客户端下载,绿色免安装。
2023-10-18 06:03:40 27.68MB python3.5
Python是一种面向对象、解释型计算机程序设计语言,它的语法简洁而清晰,具有丰富和强大的类库。它常被昵称为胶水语言,它能够把用其他语言制作的各种模块(尤其是C/C++)很轻松地联结在一起。 我在这里给大家总汇了不少好的Python课程,都是我平时会去学习的,希望对大家有所帮助。
2023-10-18 06:03:22 507KB Python Python教程 Python视频