1.File List
source.txt : the raw text from the router.
target.txt : the text encoded.
result.txt : the text to be decoded.
We created a charactors-to-charactors mapping table. For example: A -> s; B -> Z; ... Using this mapping table, the text from "target.txt" are encoded while the "source.txt" is the raw plain text as the reference corpus. Your target is to find the mapping table, and then decode the text from "result.txt". Send the decoded text to E-mail: gaga.zhn@gmail.com
i. The charactors mapping is a kind of a bijective mapping (or one-to-one correspondence).
ii. The numbers and others non-alphabets are not changed.
The first three person who sends the correct text and provides his own program will receive a special gift.
5.This is not a group work.