2022-03-27 02:04:21 68.98MB GC 垃圾 garbag
2022-03-26 11:46:01 3.2MB DNDC 95
C++ Primer第五版英文原版。采用最新C++标准(2011年制定)来讲解。高清非扫描版的。文件比较大,是因为作者附了大量插图在里面。
2022-03-26 10:22:24 49.98MB C++primer
串行接口 Serial Interface为您提供了一种通过 COM 端口与微控制器进行通信的简单方法。串行接口可用于将简单的指令发送到一个微控制器。串行输出可以保存到一个 TXT 文件,供以后参考
2022-03-25 18:18:16 22KB 应用软件
《sql server 2008宝典2》示例数据库,有两个版本,一个是中文的,一个是英语的,打包在一起了。
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Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition 指纹识别手册(英文版)
2022-03-25 16:24:41 15.94MB Handbook Fingerprint Recognition 指纹识别
《高性能MySQL(第2版)》是MySQL 领域的经典之作,拥有广泛的影响力。讲述了关于固态盘、高可扩展性设计和云计算环境下的数据库相关的新内容,原有的基准测试和性能优化部分也做了大量的扩展和补充。
2022-03-24 17:30:28 3.87MB mysql 英文版
Tenable.sc 5.14.x User Guide 最新操作手册,是英文版,希望可以帮到你。最原始的文档
2022-03-24 11:03:28 3.94MB tenable 手册 英文版
Build messaging applications using the power of Spring Boot; use Spring application events over the Web; use WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP messaging with Spring MVC; and use Spring JMS, Redis Pub/Sub and Spring AMQP for reliable messaging solutions. This book covers all the Spring Messaging APIs using Spring Boot. Written by a Pivotal engineer, Spring Boot Messaging is an authoritative guide to the many messaging APIs and how to use these for creating enterprise and integration solutions. You will learn and integrate these messaging APIs with more complex enterprise and cloud applications: for example, you will see how to use Spring Cloud Stream for creating message-driven and cloud native microservices. In addition, you’ll discover the new Spring Integration DSL and use it with Spring Cloud Stream to build integration solutions using every enterprise integration pattern. Finally, you’ll see Spring Reactor and Spring Cloud to take your application to the next level. After reading this book, you will come away with a case study application walk-through and will be able to use it as a template for building your own Spring messaging applications or messaging features within your enterprise or cloud application. What You'll Learn Use the main Spring messaging APIs with Spring Framework 5 Build messaging applications over the Web Use WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP messaging Integrate Spring JMS and Spring AMQP into your applications Work with Spring Cloud Stream and microservices Who This Book Is For Enterprise Java developers who have at least some previous experience with the Spring Framework and/or the Spring platform.
2022-03-23 23:31:42 4.94MB java spring messag
统计推断(英文版) 、中文版。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
2022-03-23 21:03:11 66.59MB 统计推断 英文版 中文版