2022-07-01 20:24:26 910KB 聊天室
Assertion-based IP. The design of systems in the 21st century is necessarily one of decomposition of product requirements into functional subsystems. Often these subsystems are implemented with a mix of commercial and in-house design IP. In order to fit into a modern design flow, each design IP should be accompanied by a verification IP (VIP) and a verification plan IP (VPIP). If an electronic system level (ESL) design flow is employed, the VIP and VPIP are employed twice in the flow: during post-partitioning verification and implementation verification. In post-partitioning verification, the behavior of the abstract hardware and software models is demonstrated to conform to their functional specifications. During implementation verification, the behavior of the RTL and embedded production software is demonstrated to conform with the behavior of their corresponding abstract models, as well as with implementation requirements captured in design specifications. Hence, the role of VIP and VPIP is becoming increasingly important, requiring rigorous development processes. Verification IP is available across
2022-06-30 22:56:51 2.81MB Assertion Based IP
Kettle中使用JavaScript调用jar包对文件内容进行MD5加密.本文主要知识点: JavaScript调用jar包对文件内容进行MD5加密,返回加密md5值 Kettle实现对文件内容的加密,返回加密md5值 2.使用方法 1)下载jar包 http://xiazai.jb51.net/202009/yuanma/filemd5hash_jb51.rar 2)将jar包导入Kettle的lib目录下 3)重启Kettle Spoon.bat,使得kettle加载到新加入的jar包,下图为在kettle使用JavaScript代码组件的截图,使用源代码见4) 4)在Jav
2022-06-30 16:01:28 277KB ar c ip
2022-06-29 19:03:07 16.3MB Twincat3 TCP/IP
2022-06-29 14:25:19 17KB IP控件 MAC控件 C#源码
VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 91 获得主机名和IP地址VisualC 实效编程 9
2022-06-29 09:10:29 31KB VisualC实效编程91
Vivado License 有效期2037 网上流传版本,亲测2019 2018系列版本可用。基本上将免费的时限的官方license有效期延长至2037
2022-06-28 23:44:25 801B Vivado licesse fpga ip
前端页面信息98都可以在后台自主控制和修改,非常方便,适合做个人网站和小型工作室网站。 核心功能: 1、支持PC和WAP自适应浏览; 2、频道页面实现图文混排; 3、支持视频发布在PC和WAP的不同尺寸显示; 4、首页信息图文混排显示; 5、新闻发布管理; 6、友情链接管理(图片、文字); 7、增加个人简介、联系方式、合作资源单页面自助管理 8、友情链接图文排列在多行的情况下不规则的问题 安装: 一、上线 本系统为ASP ACCESS设计开发,直接上传到服务器即可访问。 二、管理 后台登录:域名/admin/ad_login.asp 账号:admin 密码:admin
2022-06-28 21:05:17 2.87MB 源码
2022-06-28 18:01:18 188B MAC