2019-12-21 21:57:58 1.45MB LaTexDraw 绘图 LaTeX
Android SDK build-tools 23.0.2,如果Android studio提示缺少build-tools23.0.2,即可下载此文件,解压到SDK安装目录下的build-tools文件夹下
2019-12-21 21:57:22 36.56MB Android SDK build-tools
Android SDK build-tools 26.0.2,如果Android studio提示缺少build-tools26.0.2,即可下载此文件,解压到SDK安装目录下的build-tools文件夹下
2019-12-21 21:57:22 52.78MB Android SDK build-tools
Oracle SDK2.0版本下载
2019-12-21 21:56:32 323B JKD1.6.0.20
RTL8188 driver for linux
2019-12-21 21:56:01 10.49MB RTL8188 driver for linux
破解方法 第一步:如果已经安装过Zend Studio 11.0.2的,请打开Zend Studio 11.0.2,在菜单中“help>Unregister”,如果显示是灰的跳过此步退出Zend Studio。如果显示可以点击的请点击,这时Zend Studio会重启,重启到要求你填注册码时点“QUIT”按钮 第二步:下载com.zend.verifier_11.0.2.v20140926-0202.jar文件,下载成功后复制到你安装Zend Studio 11.0的plugins目录下,覆盖同名文件。(压缩包中下载好了) 第三步:启动Zend Studio 11.0.2,输入如下注册码License key:(注意没有空格也没有换行,注册机也在里面keygen.jar) 第四步:查看是否注册成功,在菜单中“help>About Zend Studio ”, 显示【Expires on: Never】。 过期时间Never 说明注册破解成功完成。
2019-12-21 21:53:28 978KB zend Studio 11.0.2破解
2019-12-21 21:51:00 6.35MB BIOS
CIE1931色度坐标计算软件软件名称:色坐标计算软件 文件名:CIE1931xy.V1.6.0.2 版本: 更新的内容如下: 1)添加数据导入功能(双击Data Input标签); 2)存储所有计算过的光谱功率分布数据,三刺激值和UCS1976坐标,方便进行回溯; 3)优化读取记录表代码; 4)修正了UCS1976坐标计算公式错误; 5)修正Caculate按钮单词书写错误。
2019-12-21 21:43:55 472KB CIE
The LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit is a set of easy-to-use tools with which you can quickly connect to local and remote databases and perform many common database operations without having to perform structured query language (SQL) programming. It readily connects to popular databases, such as Microsoft Access, SQL Server, and Oracle. If you need advanced database functionality and flexibility, the Database Connectivity Toolkit also offers complete SQL capabilities. Complete SQL functionality Connection to most popular databases through Microsoft ADO technology Direct interaction with local or remote databases High-level, easy-to-use VIs for common database operations The Database Connectivity Toolkit is also available as a bundle with the Internet Developers Toolkit and the SPC Toolkit in the Enterprise Connectivity Toolkit.
2019-12-21 21:36:23 551KB NI LabVIEW 数据库连接工具包 SQL