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2024-11-12 16:07:12 8.9MB
具有APB-BFM的DAC和ADC模型的UVM验证 这是一个小组项目。 具有APB BFM(总线功能模型)的UVM验证,已连接到两个只读DAC和两个只读ADC从器件。 该序列生成地址,并允许驱动程序告诉BFM选择哪个从站。 随后,四个监视器和记分板记录每个从站的测试结果。 top.sv顶部模块,包括测试,序列项,定序器和驱动程序 seq.svh序列 bfm_env.svh总线功能模型作为环境 intf.svh dac介面 adc_intf.svh adc接口 dac.sv给定的dac adc.sv给定的adc monitor1.svh DAC1监视器 monitor2_dac.svh DAC2监视器 monitor1_adc.svh ADC1监视器 monitor2_adc.svh ADC2监视器 记分板1.svh DAC1记分板 scoreboard2_dac.svh DAC2记分
2024-03-12 16:57:45 15KB SystemVerilog
Experimental verification of the field synergy principle,马良栋,李增耀,In this paper, the basic idea of the field synergy principle (FSP) is briefly reviewed and is validated experimentally by incompressible flow through a square duct with an imposed
2024-01-15 14:56:31 417KB 首发论文
Basic of Layout Verification
2024-01-04 23:06:14 742KB Calibre
Preface................................................................................................ vii Part I: RF Circutis: wide band, Front-Ends, DAC’s Introduction ........................................................................................ 1 Ultrawideband Transceivers John R. Long ...................................................................................... 3 High Data Rate Transmission over Wireless Local Area Networks Katelijn Vleugels................................................................................ 15 Low Power Bluetooth Single-Chip Design Marc Borremans, Paul Goetschalckx ................................................. 25 RF DAC’s: output impedance and distortion Jurgen Deveugele, Michiel Steyaert................................................... 45 High-Speed Bandpass ADCs R. Schreier .......................................................................................... 65 High-Speed Digital to Analog Converters Konstantinos Doris, Arthur van Roermund........................................ 91 Part II: Design Methodology and Verification for RF and Mixed-Signal Systems Introduction ........................................................................................ 111 Design Methodology and Model Generation for Complex Analog Blocks Georges Gielen................................................................................... 113 Automated Macromodelling for Simulation of Signals and Noise in Mixed-Signal/RF Systems Jaijeet Roychowdhury ........................................................................ 143 A New Methodology for System Verification of RFIC Circuit Blocks Dave Morris........................................................................................ 169 Platform-Based RF-System Design Peter Baltus ........................................................................................ 195 Practical Test and BIST Solutions for High Performance Data Converters Degang Chen ...................................................................................... 215 Simulation of Functional Mixed Signal Test Damien Walsh, Aine Joyce, Dave Patrick ......................................... 243 Part III: Low Power and Low Voltage Introduction ........................................................................................ 249 The Effect of Technology Scaling on Power Dissipation in Analog Circuits Klaas Bult ........................................................................................... 251 Low-Voltage, Low-Power Basic Circuits Andrea Baschirotto, Stefano D’Amico, Piero Malcovati ................... 291 0.5 V Analog Integrated Circuits Limits on ADC Power Dissipation Ultra Low-Power Low-Voltage Analog Integrated Filter Design Wireless Inductive Transfer of Power and Data Robert Puers, Koenraad Van Schuylenbergh, Michael Catrysse, Bart Peter Kinget, Shouri Chatterjee, and Yannis Tsividis........................ 329 Boris Murmann .................................................................................. 351 Wouter A. Serdijn, Sandro A. P. Haddad, Jader A. De Lima ............ 369 Hermans ............................................................................................. 395
2023-06-24 18:58:51 32.17MB electric
UVM Book Examples A Practical Guide to Adopting the Universal Verification Methodology UVM Second Edition A guide book for UVM
2023-05-16 12:28:24 3.72MB UVM Verification
2023-04-11 14:21:21 4.7MB
视窗 的Ubuntu OS X 与我们聊天 覆盖范围 待定 待定 关于 是针对基于LLVM的语言的自动化分析框架。 该版本支持LLVM 5.0。 执照 是根据经过修改的BSD许可证发行的。 有关详细信息,请参见 。 安装 cd seahorn ; mkdir build ; cd build cd seahorn ; mkdir build ; cd build (build目录也可以在源目录之外。) cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=run ../ (添加-GNinja以使用生成器代替默认生成器。可以使用-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=设置构建类型(发布,调试)。) cmake --build . 建立依赖关系(Z3和LLVM) cmake --build . --target extra && cmake .. cmake --bu
2023-04-07 10:54:08 1.77MB llvm static-analysis verification model-checking
Constraint-Based Verification
2023-02-24 07:36:24 1.87MB Formal Method
AXI4验证组件库 AXI验证组件库实现了以下验证组件: 掌握爆裂 带有突发的内存响应器 交易响应者-不爆裂 掌握 记忆回应者 交易响应者 发射机 接收者 包括测试台 测试平台位于Git存储库中,因此您可以运行模拟并查看有关如何使用模型的实时示例。 AXI项目结构 AXI4 常见的src 轴4 src 试验台 Axi4Lite src 试验台 AxiStream src 试验台 建筑依赖 在构建此项目之前,必须按顺序构建以下库 有关构建OSVVM库的简单方法,请参见库。 AXI4 /通用/ src 包含由Axi4,Axi4Lite和AxiStream共享的软件包。 Axi4LiteInterfacePkg.vhd 定义Axi4Lite接口记录 Axi4InterfacePkg.vhd 定义Axi4全接口记录 Axi4CommonPkg.vhd 由Axi4,Axi4L
2023-02-18 00:20:14 435KB simulation vhdl verification vip