文件名:POLYGON Farm - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty v1.4.unitypackage POLYGON Farm - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty 是 Unity 上的一款高质量低多边形风格的美术资源包,由著名的 Synty Studios 开发。该插件专注于农场主题,提供了丰富的低多边形 3D 模型和环境素材,适用于各种类型的游戏开发,如模拟经营、角色扮演和沙盒类游戏。其独特的美术风格兼具简洁和细腻,使场景既清新又充满趣味。 主要功能 丰富的农场主题模型: 包含超过 800 个 3D 模型,涵盖农场建筑(如谷仓、房屋)、农业设备(如拖拉机、工具)、植物、动物(如牛、鸡、猪)和各种农作物。 提供多种农场装饰物,如篱笆、桶、稻草堆等,使场景更加生动和丰富。 高质量的低多边形风格: 模型采用低多边形设计,兼顾简洁与美观,特别适合移动设备和低性能硬件。 使用了色彩鲜艳、风格统一的纹理,具有独特的视觉吸引力,完美契合卡通和简约风格的游戏。 模块化设计: 资源包中的大部分模型都是模块化的,可以灵活组合搭建自定义的场景。
2024-11-30 13:58:03 27.23MB Unity插件
A low poly asset pack of characters, buildings, props, items and environment assets to create a fantasy based polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Key Features - 221 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Characters (x5) - Chief 01, Warrior 01, Warrior 02, Grunt 01, Grunt 02. (with Alternative colors) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/polygon-vikings-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-85664
2022-06-16 10:05:27 19.07MB synty Fantasy Building Polygon
This Map pack expands out the Dungeons universe with new rooms and areas. Designed using POLYGON - Dungeons Pack as a base, this pack also comes with new assets specifically designed for the new areas. Key Features 57 New Models New Rooms and Dungeon Layout New Areas - Library - Boss fight arena - Crypt - Storage rooms x2 - Royal Hallway - Vertical Labyrinth - Shrine Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/dungeons/polygon-dungeons-map-low-poly-3d-art-by-syn
2022-06-15 21:05:56 3.62MB RPG Building dungeon synty
A low poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons, vehicles and environment assets to create a Military themed polygonal style game. Build the ultimate battlegrounds game with this solid modern warfare set. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Vehicles (x10) Characters (x15) Ranged Weapons (x19) Melee weapons (x7) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/polygon-battle-royale-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-128513
2022-06-15 21:05:54 24.18MB Building Weapon Polygon synty
A low poly asset pack of Buildings, Vehicles, Characters, and Props assets to add to your existing polygonal style game. Include a demo scene (Character poses indicative only) Create houses with the modular house kit (also includes preset houses) Key Features - Buildings (x125) Props (x412) Environment (x99) Characters (x9) Vehicles (x8) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/polygon-town-pack-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-121115
2022-06-15 21:05:54 24.2MB Building Polygon synty City
A low poly asset pack of characters, buildings, props, items and environment assets to create a pirate based polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Includes a demo scene (Character poses indicative only) 477 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-pirates-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-92579
2022-06-15 21:05:53 31.87MB Polygon Building World synty
A low poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons and environment assets to create a Western themed polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Includes a demo scene 305 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Assets include: 6 Vehicle parts including train set 8 Characters with Alternative colors 6 Weapons Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-western-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-112
2022-06-15 21:05:53 16.96MB oldwest Building western synty
An Epic Low Poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons, vehicles and environment assets to create a western themed polygonal style game. Key Features - 329 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Assets - Building assets (x42), Environment assets (x147), FX (x5), Generic assets (x9), Props assets (x87) Vehicles (x3) Characters (x21) Weapons (x15) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-western-frontier-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-130564
2022-06-15 12:07:02 19.48MB Environment western Polygon LowPoly
POLYGON 城市 一款低多边形资源包,包含人物、建筑、道具、车辆、场景资源,可制作城市题材的多边形风格游戏。 主要特点 - 该资源包中包含 331 项资源 - 包括演示场景 - 模块部分可以很轻松地以各种方式组合。 - 多种纹理颜色可供选择 - 包括碰撞 资源 -模块化复古办公楼、模块化现代办公楼、模块化公寓套组、模块化道路套组、模块化店面、模块化公园套组、车站建筑、市政厅、大型道具标示 x17、商店内部道具 x10、广告牌 + 标示 x33、地铁入口 x2、交通灯道具 x8、树木 x3、模块化通风口 x7、模块化管道 x9、空调单位 x4、安保摄像头x2、垃圾箱/袋 x7、公交车站、安全出口楼梯 x3、屋顶通道、商店覆盖 x5、桥路 角色 (x30) - 男警官、女警官、男商人、穿衬衫的男商人、女商人、穿连帽卫衣的男性、穿夹克的男性、穿夹克的女性、穿外套的女性 车辆 (x8) - 救护车、警车、出租车、轿车、小型智能汽车、中等 4x4 汽车、箱型车、肌肉车 兼容性 - 适用于 Unity 2017.1 及更高版本 - 支持通用渲染管线 (URP) - 角色设置为可与 Mecanim 一起使用(该资源包不包含动画)
2021-09-08 14:09:42 121B unity polygon
An Epic Low Poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons and environment assets to create a Fantasy themed polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. OVER 1,118 Detailed prefabs are included with this pack. Key Features - Fully Modular Dungeons! - Includes a MASSIVE demo scene - (Character poses indicative only) Assets Characters (x19) Big Demon, Dwarf Casual Female, Dwarf Casual Male, Dwarf King, Dwarf Miner, Dwarf Soldier Female, Dwarf Soldier Male, Dwarf Worker, Hero Female, Hero Male, Nomad Female 01, Nomad Male 01, Nomad Female 02, Nomad Male 02, Nomad Male 03, Demon Skeleton 01, Demon Skeleton 02, Demon Skeleton 03 and Undead Knight. Character Attachments (x69) Ears, Faceplates (x2), Feather, Hair (x14), Hats, Headwrap, Shoulder Armor (x7), Hoods, Horns, Masks (x4), Neckwraps (x2), Turban, Animal Skull, Crown, Undead Head, Undead Helmet, Undead Skull, Bandana, Beards (x10), GasBag, GasMask, Helmets (x8), Environment (x480) Bones, Bramble, Well, Crystals, Dust, Balustrade, Beams, Floors, Forge, Gate, Grate, Lava, Wheel, Obelisk, Doors, Fireplace, Tunnels, Windows, Giant Golem, Grass, Hell Chains, Floating Rocks, Grounds, Ring, Rocks, Spikes, Mountains, Plants, Cliffs, Rubble, Sand, Waterfall, Shrine, Skull, Spider Web, Statue, Trees etc Buildings (x62) Walls, Towers, Tiles, Stairs, Pillars, Bridges, Archs, Tents etc. Props (x373) Anvil, Banners (x11), Barrel, Big Horn, Caliper, Basket, Beads, Chest, FlagLine, Hammock, Hanging Bag, Lantern, Plank, Platform, Pot, Roll Weapons (x81) Axes (x13), Knifves(x5), Mace (x7), Pack Axe, Shields (x8), Spears (x8), Staff (x6), Swords (x27), Hammer (x6) Vehicles (x2) Sand Boats (x2) FX (x32) Sparkle, Candel Flame, Cart Rail, Embers (x2) Dust (x2), Fires (x5), Gold Sparkle, Floating Rocks, Lava Bubbles, Lava Rocks (x3), Lava Steam (x2), Orb, Sand Waterfalls (x3) Sparks (x2), Steam (x2), Sun Shafts etc Compatibility - Works in
2021-07-23 21:06:21 121B unity polygon shader dungeon