Numerical Analysis Mathematics of Scientific Computing
2024-09-02 11:21:32 4.53MB Numerical Analysis
Mastering Python Scientific Computing By Hemant Kumar Mehta 2015 | 300 Pages A complete guide for Python programmers to master scientific computing using Python APIs and tools If you are a Python programmer and want to get your hands on scientific computing, this book is for you. The book expects you to have had exposure to various concepts of Python programming. In today's world, along with theoretical and experimental work, scientific computing has become an important part of scientific disciplines. Numerical calculations, simulations and computer modeling in this day and age form the vast majority of both experimental and theoretical papers. In the scientific method, replication and reproducibility are two important contributing factors. A complete and concrete scientific result should be reproducible and replicable. Python is suitable for scientific computing. A large community of users, plenty of help and documentation, a large collection of scientific libraries and environments, great performance, and good support makes Python a great choice for scientific computing. At present Python is among the top choices for developing scientific workflow and the book targets existing Python developers to master this domain using Python. The main things to learn in the book are the concept of scientific workflow, managing scientific workflow data and performing computation on this data using Python.
2024-04-09 16:11:02 3.3MB Python
mfem:轻量,通用,可扩展的C ++库,用于有限元方法
NUMERICAL RECIPES -- The Art of Scientific Computing, Third Edition © Cambridge University Press 1988, 1992, 2002, 2007 except for 13.10, which is placed into
2023-10-19 10:32:32 20.5MB NUMERICAL RECIPES
pylbm pylbm是使用Lattice Boltzmann求解器进行数值模拟的多合一软件包。 该软件包提供了用于描述1D,2D和3D问题中的格子Boltzmann方案的所有工具。 我们选择D'Humières形式主义来描述问题。 您可以使用一组简单的形状(例如圆形,球形,...)来制作复杂的几何图形。 pylbm使用Cython,NumPy或Loo.py根据用户指定的方案和域执行数值方案。 Pythran和Numba即将面市。 pylbm具有mpi4py的MPI支持。 安装 您可以通过多种方式安装pylbm 与曼巴或conda mamba install pylbm -c conda-forge conda install pylbm -c conda-forge 与Pypi pip install pylbm 或者 pip install pylbm --user 从来源
用梯形法求积分代码matlab 科学计算-MATLAB-代码 以下代码: 使用牛顿拉普森方法找到多项式的根。 使用Regula Falsi 方法找到多项式的根。 使用二分法求多项式的根。 使用高斯消元法求线性方程组的解。 使用Gauss Jordan 方法求解线性方程组。 使用高斯赛达尔法求解线性方程组。 使用Newton's Forward Difference Interpolation在给定数据集中查找值。 使用拉格朗日插值在给定数据集中查找值。 使用梯形法则求函数的积分。 使用辛普森规则求函数的积分。 还有很多..
2023-02-05 23:37:36 4.91MB 系统开源
Scientific Computing : An Introductory Survey Michael T. Heath University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign This book presents a broad overview of numerical methods and software for students and professionals in computationally oriented disciplines who need to solve mathematical problems. It is not a traditional numerical analysis text in that it contains relatively little detailed analysis of the computational algorithms presented. Instead, I try to convey a general understanding of the techniques available for solving problems i
2022-09-13 08:37:33 1.63MB Scientific Computing An
Scientific Computing with Python 3(2nd) 英文无水印pdf 第2版 pdf使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试可以打开
2022-09-06 22:07:08 4.18MB Scientific Computing Python
2022-05-14 16:42:03 24.88MB 科学计算
HPC系统的社区构建基块 介绍 该堆栈提供了部署和管理HPC Linux集群所需的各种常见的,预先构建的成分,包括配置工具,资源管理,I / O客户端,运行时,开发工具,容器和各种科学库。 当前有两个发行系列: 和 ,它们针对不同的主要Linux OS发行版。 1.3.x系列针对CentOS7和SLES12,而2.x系列针对CentOS8和Leap15。 入门 OpenHPC通过存储库提供预构建的二进制文件,以与标准Linux软件包管理器工具(例如yum或zypper )一起使用。 首先,您可以通过安装ohpc-release RPM在本地启用OpenHPC存储库,该ohpc-release包含用于软件包签名的gpg密钥,并定义[base]和[update]软件包存储库的URL位置。 还提供了针对每个受支持的预配置系统和资源管理器量身定制的安装指南,以及用于安装集群的详细示例说明。 oh
2022-05-05 14:39:32 13.56MB hpc devtools mpi scientific-computing