内容概要:该文件为操作系统课程设计文件,题目为端口扫描程序,压缩包包含一个基于Java,springboot,websocket实现的简单的端口扫描程序。本资源在该平台也有相关的文章解析,在文件上传人的相关博客里,感兴趣可以去看看。 适合人群:在校大学生,在操作系统或其他课程设计题目中有:简单的端口扫描系统的大学生。 能学到什么: ①在springboot中websocket怎么实现 ②使用线程池解决端口扫描问题 阅读建议:此资源为作者端口扫描的文章配套源码,讲述如何一步步实现端口扫描并进行相关优化,额外使用websocket实现对端口扫描结果的实时反馈。建议该资源搭配作者文章进行使用。
2024-05-20 15:42:37 187KB spring boot spring boot
2023-05-14 09:47:21 15MB 操作系统
Written by Abraham Silberschatz
2023-04-04 15:55:32 10.38MB OperatingSystem
the design of the unix operating system ,绝对的unix好书,比普通的扫描版体积小,更清晰。
2023-03-26 09:00:47 10.61MB unix operating system Maurice
rCore教程书v3 rCore-Tutorial版本3的中文文档。 可以在找到已部署的版本。 如果由于网络问题无法正常访问github.io ,请访问gitee上托管的。 待办事项清单 简介中的代码树 第1章中的防锈模块系统 使用qemu补丁将rustsbi更新到0.1.1
2023-03-11 17:43:50 10.34MB rust operating-system risc-v k210
The book tries to give students of computer science and professional programmers a general understanding of operating systems--the programs that enable people to share computers efficiently. To make the sharing of a computer tolerable, an operating system must enforce certain rules of behavior on all its users. One would therefore expect the designers of operating systems to do their utmost to make them as simple, efficient, and reliable as possible. A number of operating systems made in the early 1960's had these characteristics; but in the late 1960's designers were often overambitious and built enormous systems with poor performance. I see no inherent reason why operating systems should not reach the quality of program construction found in present compilers; this will require an understanding of the principles common to all operating systems and a consistent use of safe methods of designing large programs. It is my hope that this book will give you a start in this direction. I assume that you are familiar with the basic structure of computers and programming languages and have some experience in writing and testing non-trivial programs. In a few cases a knowledge of elementary calculus and probability theory is also needed. THEM
2023-02-23 09:15:05 16.03MB Operating System
How to Make an Operating System from Scratch (Samy Pesse) .pdf
2022-12-07 13:03:11 724KB 从头开始写操作系统
本文介绍了三种流行操作系统的启动过程和功能的比较研究。 启动过程是操作系统执行此过程后必不可少的第一步,所有其他进程都有机会执行,所以我们可以说启动是第一个过程,因为所有其他操作系统进程都可以执行。 操作系统的主要目标是在许多程序之间共享计算机安装,对其资源提出不可预测的需求,这些资源被各种应用程序用来操纵许多其他资源。 有时它会产生一些不同的功能,这使得它们对应的操作系统独一无二。 在我们的工作中,我们展示了一些 Windows、MacOS 和 Linux 操作系统的特性比较,并指出了启动系统及其过程。
2022-11-28 16:25:01 782KB Booting Operating System
Operating.System.Concepts 9th 2012.12 .Abraham.Silberschatz.文字版, 非扫描版,可以选择,复制,作笔记。
2022-11-07 00:27:13 7.88MB Operating system concepts 9th
2022-09-24 17:01:11 40KB labview_实时