流利的扩展 Fluent.Extensions是一个netstandard类库,它支持针对编程。 其主要目的是作为每个软件包的一部分,简化向更流畅的编程风格的过渡。 安装 Fluent.Extensions可以单独安装。 内容 通用集合扩展方法 Fluent.Extensions包含中定义的所有扩展方法,这些扩展方法用于修改方法链内的通用集合。 一旦使用命名空间System.Collections.Generic,它们便可用。 通用方法 以下通用扩展名方法在全局命名空间中定义,您的项目引用Fluent.Extensions后,它们将立即可用。 做() 可以将Do()扩展方法插入方法链内,以回调lambda表达式或方法。 该lambda表达式应具有仅一个参数,该参数接收方法链的当前对象。 Do()始终返回当前对象。 例如: var x = 10; 1.Do(v => x += v)
2024-06-03 11:47:45 12KB
我的扩展名本地化 JSON本地化资源 NuGet软件包: 建立状态: 捐款:
2024-03-30 10:51:54 1.4MB json localization
Z.EntityFramework.Extensions 最新版本,可以使用到2099年 破解dll,根据 https://blog.csdn.net/u010067685/article/details/89740803 这个教程弄的,感谢作者
2024-03-01 11:46:46 1.24MB .net 批量插入
# # Z.EntityFrameworkExtensions 是 .NET 实体框架扩展库的演示版本。 使用BulkSaveChanges和数百个其他功能进行创新,这些功能将大大提高您的性能。 支持 其他产品 [.NET 编译器] ( ) [SQL.NET] ( )
2024-03-01 11:39:24 129KB
Wrox Press 2010出版,并行编程+c#,提供给感兴趣的朋友 In 2007, Microsoft released the fi rst Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework. The old .NET Framework multithreading programming model was too complex and heavyweight for the forthcoming multicore and manycore CPUs. I had been researching parallel programming, multiprocessor, and multicore since 1997, so I couldn’t help installing the fi rst CTP and trying it. It was obvious that it was going to be an exciting new way of expressing parallelism in future C# versions. Visual Studio 2010 ships with version 4 of the .NET Framework, the fi rst release to include Parallel Extensions. C# 4 and .NET Framework 4 allow you to shift to a modern task-based programming model to express parallelism. It is easier to write code that takes advantage of multicore microprocessors. Now, you can write code that scales as the number of available cores increases, without having to work with complex managed threads. You are able to write code that runs tasks, and the Common Language Runtime (CLR) will inject the necessary threads for you. It is easy to run data parallelism algorithms taking advantage of multicore. At the time of this writing, multicore microprocessors are everywhere. Servers, desktop computers, laptops and notebooks, netbooks, mobile Internet devices (MIDs), tablets, and even smartphones use multicore microprocessors. The average number of cores in each microprocessor is going to increase in the forthcoming years. Are you going to lose the opportunity to transform this multicore power into application performance? Parallel programming must become part of your skill set to effectively develop applications for modern hardware in C#. I spent more than three years working with the diverse versions of Parallel Extensions until Visual Studio 2010 was offi cially released. I enjoyed developing parallelized applications with C#, and I did my best to include explanations for the most common scenarios in this book. Visual Studio 2010 provides an IDE prepared for a parallel developer, and C# is an excellent fi t for the new task-based programming model. amazon Link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0470495995/buythisbooks-20
2023-12-25 08:36:27 32.74MB .net pdf Wrox parallel
扩展-管家 介绍 扩展管家,快速启用,扩展扩展,局部全部扩展,恢复被替换的扩展以及搜索扩展 屏幕截图和示例 点击Shift + Alt + Z可以快速打开扩展列表,如果此快捷键被其他程序占用,可以前往chrome://extensions/shortcuts自定义快捷键。 上图是选项栏。取消替换通知我更新详情,可以关闭更新时自动打开更新日志的功能。保留保持上一次搜索的状态,可以在打开扩展列表时保持上一次的搜索状态。 上图是使用Omnibox(地址栏)方便的搜索Chrome商店中的扩展。在地址指向输入ems ,点击Space或Tab键,输入你要搜索的扩展名,点击Enter键即可快速到达Chrome商店的搜索列表中。 上图展示了快捷搜索扩展的功能。输入英文字母/汉字拼音可以快速查找相关的扩展,同时可以使用@限定符来查找启用/禁用的扩展。按下选项卡或Shift + Tab键可以切换焦点,按下Enter键可以启用/一部分已获取焦点的扩展。 常问问题 为什么不提供移除其他扩展的功能?由于共有设计方案,因此暂时不提供此功能 触发Omnibox(地址栏)事件的关键字是什么意思? 扩展程序管理搜索器首
This book introduces Emacs Lisp and tells you how to make the editor do whatever you want, whether it's altering the way text scrolls or inventing a whole new "major mode." Topics progress from simple to complex, from lists, symbols, and keyboard commands to syntax tables, macro templates, and error recovery.
2023-06-13 21:51:33 697KB
哪个蛋是哪个 概述 特征 用原来的鸡蛋代替隐藏的鸡蛋 将鼠标悬停在废弃的鸡蛋上可以显示姓名代码和沿袭 如何使用 要在Chrome中加载Chrome扩展程序,请执行以下操作: 在浏览器中打开chrome://extensions/ 点击右上角的Developer mode 点击Load unpacked extension…然后选择目录 如果在扩展名中添加/修改文件,请返回此页面并重新加载该扩展名 开发人员参考: 执照 Copyright (c) 2019-2021 islu. All images belong to the artist of the site (Dragon Cave) so they do not belong to me. Image source form: https://dragcave.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Cave_Wiki
crawler-chrome-extensions:爬虫工程师常用的Chrome插件| 搜寻器开发人员使用的Chrome扩展程序
2023-03-23 14:48:05 7.01MB python chrome-extension crawler scraper
OpenGL Extensions Viewer 查看电脑的opengl版本,非常好用。 我的opengl版本为 4.3
2023-03-16 16:41:28 11.05MB opengl C++ windows view