2022-08-29 20:45:27 141KB PADS decal part CAE
Unity贴画 Easy Decal 2021.3.1.zip
2022-07-08 20:56:38 401.71MB Unity
Easy Decal For Unity 如下图所示为Simple Decal System的截屏: SimpleDecalSystem 主要步骤思路如下: 确定受影响的物体: DecalUtils.GetAffectedObjects( decal ); 将所有MeshRenderer与Decal进行碰撞比较 将被影响物体转移到decal坐标系中,重新构建mesh 根据重新构建的material信息,完成贴花
2022-05-14 09:08:07 9.4MB unity 源码软件 游戏引擎
he most complete mesh decal plugin available in the Asset Store since 2014. Used by professionals all around the world in hundreds of awesome projects. —————————————————— Forum | Issue Tracker | Online | Docs —————————————————— Want to try before buy? Download an evaluation version here! —————————————————— Easy Decal provides you with an easy-to-use workflow for putting decals on all types of surfaces in your game world. Enrich your virtual world with details and lift your game environment to the next level. Easy Decal not only supports diffuse textures and normal maps, but all kinds of shaders and materials. You can stick decals even to massively bumpy surfaces with ease – the dynamic geometry generator automatically adjusts all the necessary parameters (UVs, tangents, normals, etc.) in the blink of an eye. By using one tool, your decals will fit everywhere. Key Features • Works with all Unity Versions • Full editor integration • Custom materials and shaders • Contains ready-to-use prefabs • 80+ different decals included • 3D Projection (translation, rotation, scale) • Dynamic geometry • Texture Atlas Editor • Decal Animation • Edge Bleeding • Mesh Decals • Screen Space Decals • Screen Space Decals for LWRP/URP [BETA] • Deferred Decals • Static Mesh (Box/Mesh Collider needed) • Extensively tested with Oculus Rift SRP Support HDRP • Box Projector (mesh decal) • Plane Projector (mesh decal) • Unlit screen space (multiplicative) URP • Box Projector (mesh decal) • Plane Projector (mesh decal) • Lit screen space • Unlit screen space (multiplicative) Please note that not all new features are present in Unity versions smaller than 5.3. Source code is accessible on our website as additional download.
2021-12-21 11:10:05 121B unity
UVPaint (Skinned Mesh Decal System) 1.84e 下载后为unitypackage 无需解压
2021-11-29 15:43:42 83.98MB UVPaint (Skinned
Easy Decal provides you with an easy-to-use workflow for putting decals on all types of surfaces in your game world. Enrich your virtual world with details and lift your game environment to the next level. Easy Decal not only supports diffuse textures and normal maps, but all kinds of shaders and materials. You can stick decals even to massively bumpy surfaces with ease - the dynamic geometry generator automatically adjusts all the necessary parameters (UVs, tangents, normals, etc.) in the bl ink of an eye. By using one tool, your decals will fit everywhere. Key Features Works with all Unity Versions Full editor integration Custom materials and shaders Contains ready-to-use prefabs 80+ different decals included 3D Projection (translation, rotation, scale) Dynamic geometry Texture Atlas Editor Decal Animation Edge Bleeding Mesh Decals
2021-09-29 15:29:31 170.19MB Unity 贴花
2021-09-16 19:10:47 106B
2021-08-30 19:11:00 22KB unity3d plugin 贴花
Decalicious is here to satisfy all your longings for fancy Deferred Decals! Deferred Decals: Modify albedo, normals, specular, smoothness and emission for a plethora of effects Full Lighting & Reflections: Thanks to Deferred Rendering, full lighting and reflections come cheap Dynamic Transform: Decals can be dynamically spawned, moved, rotated and scaled, and are batched and culled for maximum performance Limit Decal to Game Object: Choose whether a Decal should be drawn on every surface in its bounds, or be restricted to a specific GameObject's surfaces. Works with Terrain: Add detail to your terrain or use decals to get rid of those hard mesh-terrain edges Editor Placement Utility: The Decalicious Utility helps you place decals quickly in the Unity Editor Unlit Decals: In additional, Decalicious supports unlit decals for world markers, UI and effects Deferred Rendering is required for deferred decals to work, obviously. Decalicious is a brand-new system and is actively developed and tested in our own titles. Check out the Roadmap to see what's up next. The price will be adjusted as more features are added.
2021-08-20 01:37:26 121B unity unity3d
做贴花的 unity UVPaint (skinned mesh Decal System) 1.84e Requires Unity 4.6.6 or higher. Runtime Texturing! UVPaint creates decals and immediately bakes them in needed ShaderProperty texture on 3D ob jects. It allows you to draw a variety of accessories and details into the 3D model at runtime without losing performance and video memory. Very easy and intuitive code. Features: Does not require Unity PRO! (Unity 5) Supports Android and IOS; Does not create additional meshes; More Options; Works with custom Shader; Decals support any alpha channels; Unlimited decals on every skinned mesh; The possibility for creating a wide range of necessary decals; Only bake texture based on unwraped UV (you can create tattoo, details, blood splatter, etc.); You can draw back to the original texture using the Eraser. With UVPaint you can easily give freedom to your imagination!
2021-08-03 18:05:49 83.97MB Unity 贴花 Decal