本书介绍了现代数码相机的基本原理,基本覆盖到了各个硬件模块和少数算法的介绍。但本书的着重点是Image Sensor的成像原理、artifacts和noise来源,以及对策,想了解相关知识的可以仔细研读其相关部分。
2023-02-16 14:37:11 9.22MB 数码相机原理
HYRes IV(发音[haires aivi:])是一款软件工具,设计用于使用符合ISO 12233的分辨率图表精确测量数码相机的分辨率。 HYRes软件支持ISO 12233和CIPA标准DC-003“数码相机分辨率测量方法”(见http://www.cipa.jp/std/std-sec_e.html)中描述的测量方法。两个版本的HYRes 3.1(2004)和HYRes ACE(2006)已经由CIPA发布。 HYRes IV是HYRes 3.1和HYRes ACE这两个软件功能的集成,已经更新到最新的操作系统。IV是综合版本的缩写。
2022-10-08 16:04:02 2.88MB CIPA 数字相机 分辨率 HYRes3.1
Image Sensors And Signal Processing For Digital Still Cameras,电子书,pdf格式,作者:Junichi Nakamura等,共计321页 1.digital still cameras at a glance 2.optics in digital still cameras 3.basics of image sensors 4.CCD image sensors 5.CMOS image sensors 6.evaluation of image sensors 7.color theory and its application to digital still cameras 8.image processing algorithms 9.image processing engines 10.evaluation of image quality 11.some thoughts on future digital still cameras Appendix A.number of incident photons per lux with a standard light source Apoendix B.sensitivity and ISO indication of an imaging system
2022-05-29 13:26:24 11.18MB sensor signal processing digital camera
2022-05-23 23:33:34 1.53MB Interpolation camera
Matlab集成的c代码tensor_decoding_spectral_SCI_cameras 我们应用张量解码方案对SCI摄像机进行解码。 该存储库包含论文“利用低秩张量和非局部相似性解码高光谱SCI摄像机”的代码 快照压缩成像(SCI)相机将多个光谱帧压缩为单个测量帧。 对于SCI摄像机而言,准确而高效的解码方法非常重要。 然而,诸如GAP-TV和DeSCI之类的现有算法分别由于精度低和执行时间长而不能令人满意。 在本文中,我们提出了一种解决这两个问题的新算法低秩张量和非局部相似度(LTNS)。 我们提出的LTNS算法比DeSCI的平均PSNR提高了3.98dB,比GAP-TV平均提高了5.63dB。 此外,与DeSCI的8小时运行时间相比,我们的算法(LTNS)将运行时间减少到不到一分钟。 我们还将算法与GMM-TP和MMLE-GMM进行了比较。 此代码使用鸟类数据集和玩具数据集,它们是编码的Kong径快照光谱成像(CASSI)数据集。 我们在代码中进行比较的方法是经过多次迭代的LTNS和GAP-TV。 用法 要求是带有并行计算工具箱的MATLAB(R)(用于多CPU加速的pa
2022-05-11 19:06:03 58.91MB 系统开源
This book has been written for a wider audience, including students and practitioners interested in current consumer depth cameras and the data they provide. This book focuses on the system rather than the device and circuit aspects of the acquisition equipment. Processing methods required by the 3D nature of the data are presented within general frameworks purposely as independent as possible from the technological characteristics of the measurement instruments used to capture the data. The results are typically presented by practical exemplifications with real data to give the reader a clear and concrete idea about the actual processing possibilities. This book is organized into three parts, the first devoted to the working principles of ToF and structured light depth cameras, the second to the extraction of accurate 3D information from depth camera data through proper calibration and data fusion techniques, and the third to the use of 3D data in some challenging computer vision applications.
2022-03-30 20:24:21 12.55MB TOF 结构光
光场处理 这是解码光场文件(.lfp)并将原始图像处理为5D数据的有用工具。 您可以简单demo.m逐步运行demo.m来查看结果。 步骤1:加载LF数据 请注意,如果您没有LF数据,请先下载。 一旦运行ViewLightField ,您将获得以下精美的图像。 第2步:水平EPI(修复v和y) 第3步:垂直EPI(修复u和x) 步骤4:显示角补丁(AP)
A. 导线电感 (1) 一定长度的导线电感 载流导线总是闭合的,包围的面积越大,磁链ψ越大,电感就越大。一段导线是总自感的一部 分。导线长度为l(cm),直径为d(cm),磁导率为μ=μ0,则低频电感 )75.0 4 (ln20 −= d l lL ×10-7(H) (3-25) 如果导线长度很短(l<100d),在括号内增加一项d/2l。在很高频率(大于1GHz)时,导线电感趋于 极限值 )1 4 (ln2 −=∞ d l lL ×10-7(H) (3-25a) 高频时,由于导线的集肤效应减少了磁场空间,使得磁场减少,电感量减少。一般用式(3-25) 计算,中频时(数百kHz)最大有6%的误差,高频时只有2%误差。这在工程上完全允许的。 例4:求一段直径为1mm,长50cm的铜连接线的低频电感量。 解:根据公式(3-25)得到 77 0 1075.0001.0 5.0 ln5.0210)75.0 4 (ln2 −− ×⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −×=×−= d l lL =0.546μH (2)单导线对大平面(地回路)之间电感(图3-13) 单导线直径为d(m),长度为l(m),导线与平面之间平行,导线与平面间距离为h(m),其电感量 ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ + ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ++ ++ = d h hll dll lL 4 ln 4 4/ ln2 22 22 ×10-7(H) + [ ]2 4 4 2 22 2 2 2l h l d h d+ − + + − +/ / ×10-7(H) (3-26) 如果d<>h时,以上公式可进一步简化为 ) 4 (ln2 d h lL = ×10-7(H) (3-26c) (3)两根平行导线电感(图3-14) d h 图 3-13 导线平行地线
2021-12-28 11:07:49 6.27MB 开关电源
2021-12-21 09:10:34 11.18MB sensor camera
This book is on the basic foundations of digital still cameras, the image sensor and the techniques used in processing the image coming from the sensor. It includes both the theory and the concepts of both the hardware being used and the software that ties everything together to make a useful system. This field is one that is rapidly changing. As a result Dr. Nakamura has gotten a group of people from various companies to write chapters on their own area of expertise. The companies by whom these contributors are employed is a who's who of the digital camera field including: Konica Minolta, Canon, Olympus, Fuji and various specialized companies that work in this area. Dr. Nakamura is employed by Micron, a major semi-conductor company. This is not a book on how to take pictures, this is a book on what happens underneath when you press the button. It is highly technical, designed for engineers.
2021-09-07 23:17:00 11.18MB Image Sensors and Signal