Axolot XLSReadWriteII 组件是一个用于读取和写入 Microsoft Excel 文件的 Delphi 和 C++ Builder 组件。它提供了一个简单易用的接口,使开发人员可以轻松地读取、写入和修改 Excel 文件的内容。该组件支持多种 Excel 文件格式,包括 XLS、XLSX 和 CSV。它可以读取和写入 Excel 文件中的单元格、行、列和工作表,并且支持各种数据类型,如数字、日期、字符串等。此外,Axolot XLSReadWriteII 组件还提供了一些高级功能,如图表支持、自定义样式和格式、数据筛选和排序等。它适用于各种应用程序开发,包括报表生成、数据导入导出、数据分析等。 重点:Axolot XLSReadWriteII 组件是一个独立的库,它不依赖于 MS Office 或其他 Excel 安装。它使用自己的引擎来读取和写入 Excel 文件,因此您可以在没有安装 MS Office 的计算机上使用该组件。
2024-07-10 10:48:18 26.34MB Delphi
5.20.14 ! There could be an AV when using multiple instances of the component. 5.20.13 + It's now possible to write unusual URL:s, like "oink://SaysTheSow". The condition is: a string of ascii chars followed by "://" is parsed as an URL. ! Pictures could be mixed up. ! Unicode chars in pivot tables could cause invalid files or wrong characters. ! Some properties in DataValidations where not written. 5.20.12 ! Sometimes when inserting rows where formulas not adjuset correct. ! Merged cells where not adjusted correct when deleting last col/row in a merged cell. 在Delphi中读取Excel文件,使用CreateOleObject的方式挺讨厌的,一直搞不定,输出了文件之后,总会在系统中打开一个Excel,就算Quit也不行,一个程序中使用的多了,还不定搞出什么事情来。狠狠心找个其它的东西来代替,于是发现了XlsReadWriteII。 使用之后发现这个东西真不错,简单好用。不管是读还是写均轻松搞定。 使用代码举例:
2024-04-03 09:52:44 16.88MB XLSReadWrite DELPHI
Axolot XLSReadWriteII v6.01.17 Full Source, 含有XLSSpreadSheet,在Delphi XE12下测试成功。Delphi 操作Excel的神器。
2024-02-26 08:44:51 2.99MB Delphi XLSReadWriteII
2024-02-26 08:39:15 2.22MB
XLSReadWriteII v5.20.62 For Berlin Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records,xls 相关操作,一应俱全,应有尽有
2023-12-26 11:48:29 10.91MB XLSReadWriteII
A complete solution for working with MS Excel files. Native access to Excel files. The user doesn't need to have Excel, or any other software installed. XLSReadWriteII uses it's own memory manager that is optimized for storing cell values. This means that you can work with larger files. If your files still not will fit in memory, there is a Direct Read and Direct Write modes that let you process files on disc. Stability. One of the major goals with XLSReadWriteII was to create a product that won't corrupt the Excel files and won't alter any data in the file. The engine that handles XLSX files is automatically built directly from the file format specifications with our special developed tool. This will ensure maximum comatibility. No runtime fees for the component. Full source code included. We released the first version of XLSReadWrite in 1998. At that time it was the only component that could read and write Excel 97+ files. We are commited to have the leading Excel solution for Delphi in the future as well.
2023-06-03 12:26:38 2.59MB Excel
在Delphi中读取Excel文件,使用CreateOleObject的方式出了大麻烦,一直需要重装系统才能搞定,一直无法调用,还时不时搞出什么事情来。狠狠心找个其它的东西来代替,于是发现了XlsReadWriteII。 使用之后发现这个东西真不错,简单好用。不管是读还是写均轻松搞定。这个是for D7版本,很难找到的。
2023-04-20 10:58:01 8.02MB Excle自动化
2023-02-23 19:14:03 1.43MB Delphi 控件 VCL 组件
Delphi 控件,用于处理 MS Excel 文件的完整解决方案。含全部源代码。
2022-09-16 18:44:56 2.36MB Delphi XLSReadWriteII
XLSReadWriteII_6.00.47_D10.2_D10.3_Full Source,用于读取和写入Excel文件的Delphi组件。本地访问Excel文件。用户不需要安装Excel或任何其他软件。
2022-08-03 10:54:17 2.56MB XLSReadWrite