Manufacturer : Lenovo Model : ThinkPad X220, X220i, X220 Tablet, X220i Tablet Bios Revision : 8DET68WW (1.39) BIOS Link : Bios Type : UEFI Phoenix For X220, X220i, X220 Tablet, X220i Tablet with bios ID TP-8D (8DET69WW) ONLY ! SLIC: --- Cert: --- Modded with Phoenix SLIC Mod 2.14 --------------------------------------- - WLAN\WWAN White List check patched -
2023-02-01 15:00:18 3.56MB X220 1.39 白名单
Lenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo T
2022-05-06 14:07:58 4.08MB 源码软件 LenovoThinkPad
解决 ThinkPad X220 X230 X210 改Win 10系统以后,蓝牙无法开启的问题!安装好后,开启蓝牙即可!X220 win10 X64 V1803 亲测可用!
2021-12-29 12:48:16 590KB ThinkPad X220 蓝牙无法开启
联想X220 1.46白名单,使用前先安装官方1.46,白名单程序不支持64位OS
2021-12-28 22:50:33 8.02MB X220
2021-11-05 11:14:57 8.41MB 黑苹果  14.3驱动 EFI  X220EFI
2021-10-13 14:11:40 3.64MB x220 白名单
X220白名单,亲测稳定可用,在WIN7 WIN XP下可刷内有说明
2021-10-13 12:03:06 2.06MB X220 白名单
需要主板编号为H0225-3 ,一般X220主板编号一样都差不多,反正bios损坏无法开机,即使与主板不对应刷了这个bios也无关,,注意x220的bios芯片在主板左下角,黑色薄膜揭起来就看到8脚的闪存芯片(express插槽右侧) 注:此为编程器固件,需要用编程器刷,小技巧:不需要将芯片焊下来,直接网上买烧录夹子刷(记得把电源、电池及bios电池拔除)
2021-08-26 09:00:43 8MB x220刷机 x220biso变砖
thinkpad x220 x230 x240 bios 急救 刷机 修改白名单等工具打包、xsearch.exe WINCRIS EXFILE PhoenixTool266cn rwportablex64 UltraEdit-32 insyde EzH2O中文版 WinHex
2021-08-26 09:00:43 18.8MB bios修改工具 thinkpadbios
Here's the latest modified v1.43 X220 bios with the following features: - Whitelist removal - Unblocked AES-NI - Unblocked advanced menu - Unlocked memory speed - Unblocked AES MSR 0xE2 - New vbios Intel 2119 - 16Gb 1866 + eGPU solved Installation process: 1. Flash the original v1.43 BIOS (8duj28us.exe) 2. Reboot the computer. 3. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator, navigate to the Modified bios folder and run Flash.bat 4. Follow the prompts in the Phoenix UEFI WinFlash application and wait for the computer to reboot when the process completes. 5. To confirm that the modified BIOS has installed correctly, press F1 at startup to enter BIOS Setup. If the menu "Advanced" shows, then the modified BIOS has installed correctly.
2021-08-18 12:48:58 10.2MB x220 bios 1.43 modified