This book is perfect to get you started with probabilistic graphical models (PGM) with Python. It starts with a quick intro to Bayesian and Markov Networks covering concepts like conditional independence and D-separation. It then covers the different aspects of PGM: structure learning, parameter estimation (with frequentist or Bayesian approach) and inference. All is illustrated with examples and code snippets using mostly the libpgm package. PyMC is used for Bayesian parameter estimation.
2024-12-03 16:28:10 4.32MB 概率图模型 Python
Go from the initial idea to a production-deployed web app using Django 2.0. Key FeaturesA beginners guide to learning python's most popular framework, DjangoBuild fully featured web projects in Django 2.0 through examples.Deploy web applications in quick and reliable fashion with DockerBook Description This project-based guide will give you a sound understanding of Django 2.0 through three full-featured applications. It starts off by building a basic IMDB clone and adding users who can register, vote on their favorite movies, and upload associated pictures. You will learn how to use the votes that your users have cast to build a list of the top 10 movies. This book will also take you through deploying your app into a production environment using Docker containers hosted on the server in Amazon's Electric Computing Cloud (EC2).
2024-01-17 10:33:03 2.33MB Django Web Python
Sam Newman - Building Microservices. Designing Fine-Grained Systems - 2015
2023-10-18 13:28:14 5.79MB Micro services
building machine learning system with python 实现代码前六章
2023-10-10 06:04:47 128KB 机器学习 python
2023-05-15 20:14:26 330KB ( Building Blocks.dotx )
印度农业多种多样。 它的范围从贫困的农村到利用新潮农业技术的发达农场。 缺乏有形的信息和沟通最终导致生产损失。 推进现代信息技术在农业中的应用,可以解决农民面临的一系列问题。 创建“智能农业棒”可以通过提供所有可以远程查看的数据来帮助解决这些问题。虽然地球的 71% 被水覆盖,但只有 2.5% 是可饮用的水。 由此可见,水是一种宝贵的资源。 由于人为疏忽,每年都会浪费数加仑的水。 “水位检测器和控制器”旨在通过仔细监测井中或任何其他水资源中的水位并在水箱即将装满时自动切断供水来减少这种水的浪费。 如果正确实施并进行大扫描,“水位检测器和控制器”项目有可能节省加仑水,从而为更美好的明天做出贡献。
2023-04-25 09:02:43 444KB Green Building Energy
Start building Python-based Android applications using Kivy with Android Studio. Through in-depth examples, this book teaches you everything you need to create your first Android application in Python and publish on Google Play.
2023-02-06 13:17:58 6.78MB Android Python  Kivy
On Building an Accurate Stereo Matching System on Graphics Hardware,AD-census原文
2022-12-26 15:26:22 411KB 双目视觉 立体匹配
2022-11-14 13:23:09 3.34MB Ontologies
building BI data warehouse
2022-10-20 09:07:03 1.7MB DW