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2023-04-16 13:28:26 1.77MB SCI论文
本书介绍了现代数码相机的基本原理,基本覆盖到了各个硬件模块和少数算法的介绍。但本书的着重点是Image Sensor的成像原理、artifacts和noise来源,以及对策,想了解相关知识的可以仔细研读其相关部分。
2023-02-16 14:37:11 9.22MB 数码相机原理
Measuring the electromagnetic properties of materials has important applications in many fields. In this paper, two electrically small sensors based on the split ring resonators (SRRs) with extended long legs, i.e., two-layer and three-layer magnetic coupled SRRs, are proposed to measure the permittivity of small samples of unknown materials. By virtue of several merits, such as extremely compact size for two-layer and three-layer magnetic coupled SRRs, respectively), high quality factor (Q), and stable resonance. Especially, the proposed three-layer magnetic coupled sensor with opposite splits on the SRRs is able to further improve the quality factor and have better stability compared with the two-layer coupled sensor. By different shifting resonant frequencies instead of the single ones and the polynomial fitting method, the proposed sensors can accuratelycalculatetheunknownpermittivity.Simulatedandexperimentalresultshavevalidatedtheefficacy of the proposed approach and designs. With the features of compact size and lower far-field radiation, the proposed resonators can be combined with various permittivity measurement algorithms to improve the measurement accuracy in a wide range of environments beyond the specific experimental setup.
2022-11-30 11:29:27 8.2MB SRRs Microwave Sensor
CCD Image Sensors in Deep-Ultraviolet : Degradation Behavior and Damage Mechanisms / by Flora M. Li, Arokia Nathan. 章节: 1.CCD Image Sensors 2.Instabilities in Si, SiO2, and the Si-SiO2 Interface 3.Effects of Radiation on the Si-SiO2 System 4.Interaction of UV Radiation with the Si-SiO2 System 5.Interaction of DUV Radiation with CCD Sensors 6.Concluding Remarks & Future Research
2022-08-07 22:01:43 2.46MB CCD 图像传感器
Precision Temperature Sensors in CMOS Technology
2022-08-01 17:06:55 4.39MB sensor
Level2_Arduino-sensors-to-P5js-画布 在Web浏览器中使用与Arduino板进行交互的传感器与P5js交互的代码示例。 工作原理 软件安装 P5串行控制 先下载并安装p5串行控件: : MAMP Downlaod并首先安装MAMP: ://www.mamp.info/en/downloads/ 资料夹详细资料 A_Arduino_Sensors代码示例,用于上传到Arduino开发板。 二手传感器:1个电位计,1个开关按钮,1个距离传感器(HCSR04),1个光电管,2个电位计,2个开关按钮,2个光电管。 在文件夹内布线原理图。 B_p5js代码将来自1个传感器的数据接收到Web浏览器中。 编辑sketch.js文件以进行自定义。 B_A_Receive_from_1_sensor:对从1个传感器接收数据到Web浏览器的代码进行编码。 B_A_A_
2022-07-13 02:10:28 27.96MB JavaScript
#!/bin/bash sudo apt install lm-sensors while true;do echo $(sensors) >> temprature.txt;echo $(uptime) >> temprature.txt;sleep 30;done chmod +x 双击终端中或者 终端中bash record_temp.sh
2022-06-12 18:00:34 136B python sensors
Image Sensors And Signal Processing For Digital Still Cameras,电子书,pdf格式,作者:Junichi Nakamura等,共计321页 1.digital still cameras at a glance 2.optics in digital still cameras 3.basics of image sensors 4.CCD image sensors 5.CMOS image sensors 6.evaluation of image sensors 7.color theory and its application to digital still cameras 8.image processing algorithms 9.image processing engines 10.evaluation of image quality 11.some thoughts on future digital still cameras Appendix A.number of incident photons per lux with a standard light source Apoendix B.sensitivity and ISO indication of an imaging system
2022-05-29 13:26:24 11.18MB sensor signal processing digital camera
2022-05-26 15:43:52 172KB linux lm_sensors cpu电压 cpu温度
Fiber Optic Sensors,一本关于光纤传感的书籍
2022-05-14 18:02:34 3.26MB Fiber Optic Sensors