HCIE-Datacom SR segment-routing段路由学习笔记
2024-05-21 09:30:35 2.32MB
About this file Remote source:https://humanheart-project.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/database/api/v1/folder/63fde55f73e9f004868fb7ac/download The overall CAMUS dataset consists of clinical exams from 500 patients, acquired at the University Hospital of St Etienne (France) and included in this study within the regulation set by the local ethical committee of the hospital after full anonymization. The acquisitions were optimized to perform left ventricle ejection fraction measurements. In order to enforc
2024-03-26 14:10:14 813.74MB segment
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MPLS/SDN Segement Routing 实验手册 1-module_2_lab_guide_-_openflow_v1.0
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提取信号七个基于瞬时信息的特征:零中心归一化瞬时幅度功率谱密度的最大值,零中心归一化瞬时幅度绝对值的标准偏差,零中心非弱信号段瞬时相位非线性分量绝对值标准偏差,零中心非弱信号段瞬时相位非线性分量标准偏差,零中心归一化的非弱信号段瞬时频率绝对值的标准偏差,一个信号段的归一化瞬时频率功率谱密度的最大值,根据信号 QPSK 和16QAM在 XI 轴投影的不同表现,提出特征参数。
[论文阅读笔记](CVPR 2022)Contrastive Boundary Learning for Point Cloud Segmentation
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必须把inpout32.dll 放在X:\windows\system32 下。使用印表机埠的控制脚(H37A)进行扫描然后用状态脚(H379)接受信号,把信号分析完毕后再由资料脚(H378)输出到七段显示器。
2022-09-24 17:01:08 15KB 7_segment