简介61.时钟系统 71.5工作模式 81.6硬件实时时钟 RTC 81.7通用 IO 端口 81.8中断控制器 81.9复位控制器 91.
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一个可以将BT656 或BT601转为USB 的芯片资料。
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本文件包含协议和枚举流程等等,应该是最全最仔细的归档,分享给大家 0.0.USB1.1 spec协议中文版 1.USB设备请求 2.USB描述符详解 3.USB的控制传输详解 4.USB协议物理层总结 5.USB协议中的建立事务 6.HID描述符详解-en 7.USB枚举过程 8.HIDUsageTables 9.USB_HID协议中文版_USB接口HID设备 11.传输线终端阻抗匹配 12.VID-PID解释 13.通用串行总线通用类规范-en 14.usb_20 20.HID描述符工具
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The trend towards higher resolutions, higher fame rates, and higher color depth in flat panel displays, particularly LCD panels, is pushing the capabilities of previous interfaces. This trend is even exceeding display drivers to the limit. The aggregate bandwidth requirement for state-of-the art d
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摘要本篇应用笔记主要介绍 HC32L110 / HC32F003 / HC32F005 系列的 GPIO 模块。本应用笔记主要包括:GPIO 模块介绍Reset
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IPMI标准V1.5,英文原版带目录。 - IPMI -Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification v1.5 . This document presents the base specifications for the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) architecture. The IPMI specifications define standardized, abstracted interfaces to the platform management subsystem. IPMI includes the definition of interfaces for extending platform managementbetween board within the main chassis, and between multiple chassis.
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