Review This book addresses some of the current important issues, both positive and negative, related to MFree methods, which should prove beneficial to researchers, engineers, and students who are interested in venturing into this area of research. This book provides systematic steps that lead the reader to understand mesh free methods; how they work; how to use and develop a mesh free method, as well as … the problems associated with element free methods. … This is the first book published that comprehensively covers MFree methods.
2022-11-23 10:58:09 5.38MB meshfree 无网格法
We apply graph matching method to detect infrared small moving targets using image sequences. Candidates (interest points) detected in the first frame form one graph and the same candidates in the last frame form another one. The real moving targets are extracted by matching these two graphs. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is robust and efficient to the translation and rotation of the background.
2022-11-03 20:39:46 664KB
Moving Least Squares(移动最小二乘Matlab源代码)
2022-10-29 20:54:10 1.13MB matlab 开发语言 移动最小二乘 MLS
Design a 2x16 LCD moving message display. If RA0 = 0 then a message (for example, “TESTING LCD” moves from left to right, otherwise (RA0=1) this message moves from right to left.
2022-09-24 17:00:44 72KB if _then moving_message
2022-09-14 18:43:31 133KB BASIC OPERATION AND MOVING
%================================================== ============================%%“存在%移动障碍物的AGV快速轨迹规划的源代码:一种组合3维A *搜索和QCQP”。 %李白,张友民,刘毅,钟祥,岑航杰,彭小燕,Kong启第33届中国控制与决策会议(CCDC),于2021年2月15日接受。%========= ================================================== ==================%(C)2021白李。 用户必须引用提到的相关文章%许可GNU通用公共许可v3.0%应该向IPOPT请求许可的AMPL。 将二进制文件放入%current文件夹中。 %==================================================
2022-08-11 15:34:23 1.92MB MATLAB
2022-04-15 09:53:44 364KB jq qw x x
通过simulink搭建的滑动平均滤波Moving Average,模型中有说明,想要取n个数的滑动平均值,直接修改n值即可。(纯simulink模型,非代码)
2022-04-09 21:01:29 28KB 滑动平均滤波 MovingAverage simulink
作为计算机视觉中的重要主题之一,移动车辆分割引起了研究人员的极大关注。 但是,动态场景中的干扰运动对象阻碍了鲁棒的检测。 在本文中,我们解决了动态场景中移动车辆分割的问题。 基于动态背景和运动车辆的独特运动特性,我们提出了一种用于运动车辆分割的自适应运动直方图。 所提出的算法包括两个过程:自适应背景更新和基于运动直方图的车辆分割。 在自适应背景更新过程中,我们利用了场景的光照变化,并提出了一种新的背景演化方法。 在基于运动直方图的车辆分割过程中,根据场景中的运动信息来维护和更新自适应运动直方图,然后根据所保持的运动直方图来检测运动中的车辆。 典型场景的实验结果证明了该方法的鲁棒性。 定量评估和与现有方法的比较表明,该方法提供了很多改进的结果。
2022-03-14 16:05:47 1.62MB Adaptive motion histogram; Moving
今天小编就为大家分享一篇Python实现滑动平均(Moving Average)的例子,具有很好的参考价值,希望对大家有所帮助。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
2022-02-28 21:05:17 34KB Python 滑动平均 Moving Average