中文名: Camel 实战 原名: Camel in Action 作者: Claus Ibsen Jonathan Anstey 资源格式: PDF 版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码 出版社: Manning书号: 9781935182368发行时间: 2010年12月 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 内容介绍: Apache Camel is a Java framework that lets you implement the standard enterprise integration patterns in a few lines of code. With a concise but sophisticated DSL you snap integration logic into your app, Lego-style, using Java, XML, or Scala. Camel supports over 80 common transports such as HTTP, REST, JMS, and Web Services. Camel in Action is a Camel tutorial full of small examples showing how to work with the integration patterns. It starts with core concepts like sending, receiving, routing, and transforming data. It then shows you the entire lifecycle and goes in depth on how to test, deal with errors, scale, deploy, and even monitor your app—details you can find only in the Camel code itself. Written by the developers of Camel, this book distills their experience and practical insights so that you can tackle integration tasks like a pro. 目录: Part 1 First steps 1 Meeting Camel 2 Routing with Camel Part 2 Core Camel 3 Transforming data with Camel 4 Using beans with Camel 5 Error handling 6 Testing with Camel 7 Understanding components 8 Enterprise integration patterns Part 3 Out in the wild 9 Using transactions 10 Concurrency and scalability 11 Developing Camel projects 12 Management and monitoring 13 Running and deploying Camel 14 Bean routing and remoting appendix A Simple, the expression language appendix B Expressions and predicates appendix C The producer and consumer templates appendix D The Camel community appendix E Akka and Camel
2022-11-04 11:48:26 3.89MB Camel
该存储库包含Jonathan I. Dingel和Brent Neiman的注释“ ”注释下的代码。 这是一个完整的复制程序包,从头开始生成从和下载所有必需数据的,从头开始产生所有结果。 结果 如果您只想下载我们的结果而不运行任何复制代码,则可以获取以下CSV文件: 和行业水平结果 (感谢 ) 代码组织 工作流被组织为一系列任务。 每个任务文件夹包含三个文件夹: input , code , output 。 一个任务的输出被一个或多个下游任务用作输入。 描述了任务之间的输入-输出关系。 我们使用实用程序来自动化该工作流程。 下载此复制程序包(并安装相关软件)后,只需在命令行中键入make ,即可复制出现在纸张中的图形和表格。 软件需求 该项目的任务是通过Stata代码和Shell脚本实现的。 任务流结构使用符号链接。 要运行代码,您必须已安装Stata。 我们在Mac OS X上使用
2022-06-28 04:15:15 978KB economics Stata
This is, on the surface, a book about writing device drivers for the Linux system. That is a worthy goal, of course; the flow of new hardware products is not likely to slow down anytime soon, and somebody is going to have to make all those new gadgets work with Linux. But this book is also about how the Linux kernel works and how to adapt its workings to your needs or interests. Linux is an open system; with this book, we hope, it is more open and accessible to a larger community of developers.
2022-05-06 13:01:05 6.98MB Linux
The theory and practice of time series analysis have developed rapidly since the appear- ance in 1970 of the seminal work of George E. P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins, Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, now available in its third edition (1994) with co-author Gregory C. Reinsel. Many books on time series have appeared since then, but some of them give too little practical application, while others give too little theoretical background. This book attempts to present both application, and theory at a level acces- sible to a wide variety of students and practitioners. Our approach is to mix application and theory throughout the book as they are naturally needed.
2022-02-24 10:42:00 6.16MB 时间序列
深入解析Mac OS X & iOS操作系统[Jonathan Levin]-带目录完整,系统的讲解了MacOS和 iOS的底层原理,希望能够帮助有兴趣的同学。
2022-01-15 18:12:54 220.8MB 带目录 完整版
2021-11-20 20:04:02 47.67MB 程序设计 Linux
Jonathan Valvano has been teaching microcontrollers and embedded systems at the University of Texas at Austin for 35 years. He has written eight college textbooks. His textbooks on have been widely used around the world, with a total sales of over 20,000 books. He earned his BS and MS from MIT in 1977 in the fields of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. In 1981, he received his PhD from Harvard-MIT in the field of biomedical engineering. He has over 100 journal papers, 9 book chapters and 10 patents in the medical device research area. He is a cofounder of a successful medical device company, specializing in miniature and low-power cardiac measurements. The reason he has received numerous teaching awards at the University of Texas is because he and his students share a common interest at the very core of the education process: the students' own success. Together with Professor Yerraballi he has produced two widely successful MOOCs on edX. "It is difficult to find a professor that tries harder to educate and inspire his students than Professor Valvano" - Robin Tsang. Valvano lives by this motto, “There are three steps to immortality: acknowledge your limitations, ask for forgiveness, and then do something special today to make the world a better place.”
2021-08-18 13:42:21 9.01MB 嵌入式
理解密码学的核心关键在于理解密码学里面几个最重要的原语(primitives):单向函数、对称加密算法和非对称加密算法,外加一个随机性的概念,这四个东西搞清楚了以后,整个现代密码学的体系才有可能真正去理解它。这方面当然首推J.Katz的Introduction to Modern Cryptography (Introduction to Modern Cryptography
2021-07-05 12:07:18 8.23MB 密码学
Introduction to Modern Cryptography - Jonathan Katz & Yehuda Lindell
2021-06-28 21:44:18 2.64MB Cryptography
继《Introduction to Modern Cryptography》后Jonathan Katz大牛的另一本理论密码学教科书,专门介绍了数字签名。对于公钥密码学研究生很有帮助; 压缩包中还添加了随书的勘误;获取最新信息可以上Katz的个人主页