sap press doc 解压密码:abap_developer
2023-12-05 12:17:24 12.7MB PRESS
Introducing Visual C# 2010.pdf
2023-12-05 05:04:18 10.47MB
Introducing MySQL Shell
2023-03-02 18:59:09 7.97MB java
introducing_the_amba_coherent_hub_interface_102407_0100_01_en 关于设计一致性总线hub接口的描述 spec搬运工
2023-02-16 23:06:54 1.52MB spec AMBA hub coherent
Introducing Next Generation PlanetScope 8-band Imagery.mp4
2022-10-15 19:06:12 222.76MB 云计算 planet computer 数据集
2022-09-23 23:30:47 14.62MB 机器学习
Introducing Bluetooth LE Audio book form Bluetooth SIG
2022-04-06 01:26:55 6.84MB LEAudio
This book is an introduction to the well-known Spring Framework that offers an inversion of control container for the Java platform. The Spring Framework is an open source application framework that can be used with any Java application. After reading this book, you will know how to do the following: • Use the Spring Framework efficiently. • Add persistence through JDBC and NoSQL databases. • Do unit and integration testing. • Apply AOP (aspect-oriented programming) to separate concerns. • Create web applications and expose RESTful APIs. • Send messages via JMS and AMQP by using ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ. • Use dynamic languages like Groovy, Ruby, and Bean Shell. • Use Groovy with Spring. • Use the new Spring Boot and Spring XD technologies.
2022-02-23 09:41:44 10.16MB Spring Framework
2022-02-20 21:12:39 14.71MB 综合文档
The purpose of this book is to provide a self-contained entry into Monte Carlo computational techniques. First and foremost, it must not be confused with a programming addendum to our earlier book Monte Carlo Statistical Meth- ods whose second edition came out in 2004. The current book has a dierent purpose, namely to make a general audience familiar with the programming aspects of Monte Carlo methodology through practical implementation. Not only have we introduced R at the core of this book, but the emphasis and contents have changed drastically from Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, even though the overall vision remains the same. Theoretical foundations are intentionally avoided in the current book.
2022-01-06 03:51:06 9.42MB R-Language Statistics