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Open Source (GPL) H.265/HEVC video encoder 下载网址:https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265/src x265 developer wiki To compile x265 you must first install Mercurial (or TortoiseHg on Windows) and CMake. Then follow these easy steps: (for the most definitive instructions, consult our build README) Linux Instructions # ubuntu packages: $ sudo apt-get install mercurial cmake cmake-curses-gui build-essential yasm # Note: if the packaged yasm is older than 1.2, you must download yasm-1.2 and build it $ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265 $ cd x265/build/linux $ ./make-Makefiles.bash $ make Windows (Visual Studio) Instructions $ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/multicoreware/x265 Then run make-solutions.bat in the build\ folder that corresponds to your favorite compiler, configure your build options, click 'configure', click 'generate', then close cmake-gui. You will be rewarded with an x265.sln file. Also see cmake documentation. Intel Compiler Instructions On Windows, you should open an Intel Compiler command prompt and within it run one of the make-makefiles.bat scripts in build/icl32 or build/icl64, then run nmake. On Linux, you can tell cmake to build Makefiles for icpc directly. This requires you to have configured Intel's compiler environment (by sourcing the appropriate shell script). For example: $ source /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013/bin/compilervars.sh intel64 $ cd repos/x265/build/linux $ export CXX=icpc $ export CC=icc $ ./make-Makefiles $ make Command line interface The Makefile/solution builds a static encoder.lib library and a standalone x265 executable that aims to be similar to x264 in its command line interface. Running without arguments shows you the command line help. Info Mission Statement Road Map TODO HOWTO add a new encoder performance primitive HOWTO Contribute patches to x265 HOWTO cross compile from Linux to Windows Coding Style Helpful links
2022-08-18 09:36:13 11.51MB HEVC X265 GPL 开源编码器
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