上个月传了一个5.01的版本,但只解决了试用期弹出对话框的问题,没有处理试用期过后需要许可证的情况。 ----------- 这次连同最新版15.3一起上传,这个两个版本已经解决了试用期弹对话框和试用期过后需要许可证的问题(其他问题我还没有发现)。 ----------- 如何使用请参照原地址的描述:http://download.csdn.net/detail/wangjs_xz/8486141 或去官网下载最新版及实例 http://cdn.asprise.com/ocr/files/downloads/15/asprise-ocr-csharp-vb.net-15.3-trail.zip ----------- 另,因为我在项目中只是去进行验证码的识别,其它有什么问题我没做测试。
2024-09-21 16:37:05 53.15MB ORC识别 aocr.dll
Asprise OCR 5.01,去除试用对话框,aocr.dll 使用: private const string OCR_DLL_NAME_32 = "aocr.dll"; [DllImport(OCR_DLL_NAME_32, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public static extern int com_asprise_ocr_setup(int queryOnly); [DllImport(OCR_DLL_NAME_32, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public static extern IntPtr com_asprise_ocr_start(string lang, string speed); [DllImport(OCR_DLL_NAME_32, EntryPoint = "com_asprise_ocr_recognize")] public static extern IntPtr com_asprise_ocr_recognize(Int64 handle, string imgFiles, int pageIndex, int startX, int startY, int width, int height, string recognizeType, string outputFormat, string propSpec, string propSeparator, string propKeyValueSpeparator); [DllImport(OCR_DLL_NAME_32, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public static extern void com_asprise_ocr_util_delete(Int64 handle, bool isArray); com_asprise_ocr_setup(0); IntPtr _handle = com_asprise_ocr_start("eng", "fastest"); IntPtr ptr = com_asprise_ocr_recognize(_handle.ToInt64(), [图片路径], -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, "all", "text", "", "|", "="); string s = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr).Replace("\n", ""); ============ 官方下载:http://asprise.com/royalty-free-library/ocr-api-for-java-csharp-vb.net.html
2022-08-12 17:07:29 29.18MB ORC识别 aocr.dll
Asprise-OCR4.0 图像识别控件,包含开发文档,里面含有VB例子。 已将OOXX。
2022-05-01 08:30:29 2.27MB Asprise OCR VB c++
Asprise Delphi Pascal OCR (optical character recognition) and barcode recognition SDK offers a high performance API library for you to equip your Delphi Pascal applications (Console, VCL applications, DataSnap server applications, web service applications, etc.) with functionality of extracting text and barcode information from scanned documents. You can convert images (in various formats like JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PDF, etc.) into editable document formats (Word, XML, searchable PDF, etc.). With our other offering like Asprise Image Scanning SDK (which captures documents from scanners), you can easily implement full document management solutions. Features of Asprise Delphi Pascal OCR SDK include:
2022-04-27 22:18:32 26.63MB Asprise OCR
asprise ocr 识别破解版,使用官方实例,内部包含源码,aocr_x64.dll等,破解弹窗问题
2022-03-13 21:48:41 24.64MB asprise ocr aocr破解版 使用官方实例
坛子里有破解版的Asprise-OCR-Java,其原理就是利用开启CloseWin.exe窗口扫描有没有Asprise弹出过期的窗口,更具信息框的标题栏来判断是否要关闭此信息窗口。2011年7月以后的使用版无论是点击确定还是关闭按钮,都要跳转到Asprise网站。 此次真正破解的是AspriseOCR.dll这个文件。根据跟踪运行主要汇编代码如下: 10006CF4 . 50 push eax ; /pSystemTime 10006CF5 . FF15 C0931110 call dword ptr ds:[; \GetSystemTime 10006D19 . 68 02000080 push 0x80000002 ; |hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 10006D1E . FF15 10901110 call dword ptr ds:[; \RegCreateKeyExA 110006D39 . 68 9CA61110 push AspriseO.1011A69C ; |Title = "All rights reserved. Lab Asprise! (c) 1998-2008" 10006D3E . 68 D0A71110 push AspriseO.1011A7D0 ; |Text = "You are using the trial version of Asprise OCR. Do you want to remove this message box by buying a very affordable license from Lab Asprise? " 10006D53 . 68 98A71110 push AspriseO.1011A798 ; |FileName = "http://asprise.com/product/ocr/index.php?Ref=Eval" 由此可见,分析结果如下: 1.引用顺序 DevIL.dll ILU.dll AspriseOCR.dll AspriseJTwain.dll (DevIL.dll 是算法库) 2.使用 GetSystemTime获得系统的当前时间,和注册表里的键值(二进制格式,估计是第一次使用时间)处理运算,如果时间过期就会弹出信息框提醒需要购买license. 3.注册表中HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Asprise OCR\ 有键值,试用版有键值现已将AspriseOCR.dll 破解,经过测试,将电脑时间调整到任何时间,都不会弹出信息框。 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Asprise OCR\ 如果以前运行过此类OCR,请将此注册表的键值先 删除。四个动态库可放到C:\WINDOWS\system32 下,也可以放到jre\bin下,或者是PATH 指定环境变量. 仅供个人学习使用。一份网站Asprise-OCR-Java原始Demo,一个破解文件 四个动态库。具体java Demo,参看原始Demo实例。
2021-12-08 15:36:04 3.25MB OCR 文字识别 java 专用
C# Asprise OCR 15.3 32位最新破解(1.去弹窗 2.100单词限制 3.过试用期限制)
2021-11-29 09:35:45 27.08MB Asprise OCR 15.3 32位元
2021-05-06 17:12:42 6.06MB Asprise-OCR 图像识别 OCR控件 验证码识别
Highest Level of Accuracy - Asprise OCR can easily recognize difficult documents of poor image quality; Excellent Format Retention - Text layouts on the input documents are preserved; High Speed - Asprise OCR uses optimized OCR engine to perform excellent recognition in very short time; Ease of Use - We strive to make the developer's life easier. Complex parameter configurations are removed from Asprise OCR SDK. You only have to supply the image document. Asprise OCR can intelligently determine the best setting internally. Barcode Recognition - Beside characters (letters and numbers), Asprise OCR can recognize almost every kind of bar code. You can choose to recognize barcode or characters or both.
2019-12-21 18:51:32 2.57MB Asprise OCR v4.0 for
Asprise Ocr 15.3 完美破解版 64位 Asprise 破解版 Option 1: 工具-》Nuget包管理器-》程序包管理器控制台 执行 Install-Package asprise-ocr-api Option 2:复制覆盖原文件
2019-12-21 18:48:19 72.75MB Asprise ocr 条码识别 QR-Code