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2024-03-29 18:04:52 142KB redmin
敏捷开发的经典书 内容简介 在这本书中,享誉全球的软件开发专家和软件工程大师Robert C.Martin将向您展示如何解决软件开发人员、项目经理及软件项目领导们所面临的最棘手的问题。这本综合性、实用性的敏捷开发和极限编程方面的指南,是由敏捷开发的创始人之一所撰写的。   ·讲述在预算和实践要求下,软件开发人员和项目经理如何使用敏捷开发完成项目。   ·使用真实案例讲解如何用极限编程来设计、测试、重构和结对编程。   ·包含了极具价值的可多次使用的C++和JAVA源代码   ·重点讲述了如何使用UML和设计模式解决面向客户系统的问题
2024-02-18 10:48:10 17.95MB 敏捷开发 Agile
Agile Web Development with Rails (4th edition) rails入门必读的一本.英文.最新的第四版 for rails 3.03 Beta版
2024-01-22 08:43:02 9.07MB Rails ruby
2023-04-12 20:43:02 2.71MB 变频器
2023-02-20 17:14:39 4.99MB 敏捷 agile
Agile Data Warehouse Design From Business Models to BI Models
2023-01-30 11:17:56 8.29MB java
2022-12-07 15:30:10 289KB 敏捷开发
回顾 一个出色的工具,可以进行数字化的敏捷团队回顾。 当与远程团队进行回顾时,或者当您希望随时间跟踪回顾结果时,这将很有用。 特征 三种类型的笔记 根据团队需求移动/优先考虑笔记 将点添加到单个注释 正在努力 将代码移至商店 安排会议时间 尝试一下! 用法 我只想使用该应用程序! 最快的方法是使用现场演示! 除此之外,您可以克隆此存储库,并从根目录运行: npm install npm run serve 这将创建一个dist目录。 将目录的内容放到服务器上,一切就绪! 使用LocalStorage可以进行加载/保存,因此请确保该应用具有从LocalStorage读取/写入的权限。 我想自己从源代码构建它或为代码做贡献 然后按照这些说明进行操作,具体取决于您要执行的操作 # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reloa
2022-11-19 18:24:38 181KB vue agile localstorage vue-cli
It’s an exciting time to be agile! For the first time, our industry has found a real, sustainable way to solve problems that generations of software development teams have been struggling with. Here are just a few of the solutions that agile promises: • Agile projects come in on time, which is great for teams that have struggled with projects delivered very late and far over budget. • Agile projects deliver high-quality software, which is a big change for teams that have been bogged down by buggy, inefficient software. • Code built by agile teams is well constructed and highly maintainable, which should be a relief to teams accustomed to maintaining convoluted and tangled spaghetti code. • Agile teams make their users happy, which is a huge change from software that fails to deliver value to the users. • Best of all, developers on an effective agile team find themselves working normal hours, and are able to spend their nights and weekends with their friends and families—possibly for the first time in their careers.
2022-09-08 12:35:39 44.88MB Agile
☆ 资源说明:☆ [Addison-Wesley Professional] Scrum Shortcuts without Cutting Corners (英文版) [Addison-Wesley Professional] Scrum Shortcuts without Cutting Corners Agile Tactics, Tools, & Tips (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ The widespread adoption and success of Scrum can be attributed in large part to its perceived intuitiveness and simplicity. But when new Scrum practitioners attempt to apply Scrum theory and high-level approaches in actual projects, they often find it surprisingly difficult. In Scrum Shortcuts without Cutting Corners, Scrum expert Ilan Goldstein helps you translate the Scrum framework into reality to meet the Scrum challenges your formal training never warned you about. Drawing on his extensive agile experience in a wide range of projects and environments, Goldstein presents thirty proven, flexible shortcuts for optimizing Scrum processes, actions, and outcomes. Each shortcut walks you through applying a Scrum approach to achieve a tangible output. These easy-to-digest, actionable patterns address a broad range of topics including getting started, quality and metrics, team members and roles, managing stakeholders, estimation, continuous improvement and much more. ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Ilan Goldstein [出版机构] Addison-Wesley Professional [出版日期] 2013年07月26日 [图书页数] 208页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式
2022-08-03 11:39:24 2.59MB Agile Scrum