Delivering a solid introduction to assembly language and embedded systems, ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition continues to support the popular ARM7TDMI, but also addresses the latest architectures from ARM, including Cortex™-A, Cortex-R, and Cortex-M processors―all of which have slightly different instruction sets, programmer’s models, and exception handling. Featuring three brand-new chapters, a new appendix, and expanded coverage of the ARM7™, this edition: Discusses IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic and explains how to program with the IEEE standard notation Contains step-by-step directions for the use of Keil™ MDK-ARM and Texas Instruments (TI) Code Composer Studio™ Provides a resource to be used alongside a variety of hardware evaluation modules, such as TI’s Tiva Launchpad, STMicroelectronics’ iNemo and Discovery, and NXP Semiconductors’ Xplorer boards Written by experienced ARM processor designers, ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques, Second Edition covers the topics essential to writing meaningful assembly programs, making it an ideal textbook and professional reference.
2023-09-18 11:32:38 3.95MB ARM Assembly Language Fundamentals
Create and publish your own interactive data visualization projects on the web—even if you have little or no experience with data visualization or web development. It’s inspiring and fun with this friendly, accessible, and practical hands-on introduction. This fully updated and expanded second edition takes you through the fundamental concepts and methods of D3, the most powerful JavaScript library for expressing data visually in a web browser. Ideal for designers with no coding experience, reporters exploring data journalism, and anyone who wants to visualize and share data, this step-by-step guide will also help you expand your web programming skills by teaching you the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SVG. Learn D3 4.x—the latest D3 version—with downloadable code and over 140 examples Create bar charts, scatter plots, pie charts, stacked bar charts, and force-directed graphs Use smooth, animated transitions to show changes in your data Introduce interactivity to help users explore your data Create custom geographic maps with panning, zooming, labels, and tooltips Walk through the creation of a complete visualization project, from start to finish Explore inspiring case studies with nine accomplished designers talking about their D3-based projects
2023-06-14 00:43:03 26.05MB d3 d3.js data visual
OpenCV 3计算机视觉 Python语言实现(第二版)(含示例代码) 编辑推荐 OpenCV 3是一种*先进的计算机视觉库,它提供了很多图像和视频处理操作,以及一些代表计算机视觉未来发展方向的功能,如人脸识别或目标跟踪。学习计算机视觉算法、模型和OpenCV API的基本概念之后,可以开发各种现实生活中的应用程序(如安全和监控方面的应用程序)。 本书从图像处理的基本操作出发,带你开启先进计算机视觉的探索之旅。计算机视觉是一个快速发展的学科,与其相关的现实应用也呈爆炸性增长,本书的目的就是帮助计算机视觉领域的新手和想要了解全新的OpenCV 3.0.0的计算机视觉专家快速掌握基于Python的OpenCV计算机视觉开发的实用方法、技巧和*佳实践。 通过阅读本书,你将学到:   安装和熟练使用基于Python的OpenCV 3的API   掌握图像处理和视频分析的基础知识   在图像和视频中检测和识别目标   使用OpenCV检测和识别人脸   训练和使用自己的对象分类器   了解计算机视觉中的机器学习概念   使用OpenCV的人工神经网络来解决实际问题   开发现实生活中的计算机视觉应用 内容简介 OpenCV是开源、跨平台的计算机视觉库,由英特 尔公司发起并参与开发,在商业和研究领域中可以免费使用。本书介绍了如何通过Python来开发基于OpenCV 3.0的应用。作为当前非常流行的动态语言之一,Python不仅使用非常简单,而且功能强大。通过Python来学习OpenCV框架,可以让你很快理解计算机视觉的基本概念以及重要算法。 本书分8章来介绍计算机视觉的重要概念,所有的概念都融入了一些很有趣的项目。本书首先详细介绍了多个平台下基于Python的OpenCV安装,继而介绍了计算机视觉应用的基本操作,包括图像文件的读取与显示,图像处理的基本操作(比如边缘检测等),深度估计与分割,人脸检测与识别,图像的检索,目标的检测与识别,目标跟踪,神经网络的手写体识别。可以这样说,本书是一本不可多得的采用OpenCV实践计算机视觉应用的好书。
2023-01-18 17:03:59 59.67MB OpenCV 计算机视觉 Python
The C# Player’s Guide (2nd Edition) is the ultimate guide for people starting out with C#, whether you are new to programming, or an experienced vet. This guide takes you from your journey’s beginning, through the most challenging parts of programming in C#, and does so in a way that is casual, informative, and fun. This version of the book is updated for C# 6.0, .NET 4.6, and Visual Studio 2015 Get off the ground quickly, with a gentle introduction to C#, Visual Studio, and a step-by-step walkthrough and explanation of how to make your first C# program. Learn the fundamentals of procedural programming, including variables, math operations, decision making, looping, methods, and an in-depth look at the C# type system. Delve into object-oriented programming, from start to finish, including inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, and generics. Explore some of the most useful advanced features of C#, and take on some of the mostcommon tasks that a programmer will tackle. Learn to control the tools and tricks of programming in C#, including the .NET framework, dealing with compiler errors, and hunting down bugs in your program. Master the needed skills by taking on a large collection of Try It Out! challenges, to ensure that you’ve learned the things you need to. With this guide, you’ll soon be off to save the world (or take over it) with your own awesome C# programs!
2023-01-04 17:20:15 4.9MB C# Players Guide RB
计算理论 Elements of the theory of computation (2ed) CH4 答案,Harry R. Lewis和Christos H. Papadimitriou的计算理论;高清版,非扫描、翻拍。
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计算理论 Elements of the theory of computation (2ed) CH3 答案,高清版,非扫描、翻拍。
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CSAPP《深入理解计算系统》 第二版的习题答案 Computer Systems A Programmer’s Perspective instructor's solution manual 2ed
2022-07-12 11:01:50 1.11MB CSAPP 习题答案
Thefirsteditionofthisbookwaspublishedin2008andhasbeenadoptedbynumerous universitiesaroundtheglobeforundergraduatemicroelectronicseducation.Inresponse tothefeedbackreceivedfromstudentsandinstructors,thissecondeditionentailsanumber ofrevisionsthatenhancethepedagogicalaspectsofthebook: 1.Numeroussidebarshavebeenaddedthroughoutthetextonthehistoryandappli- cationsofelectronicdevicesandcircuits,helpingthereaderremainengagedand motivatedandallowingtheinstructortodrawuponreal-lifeexamplesduringthelec- ture.Thesidebarsareintendedtodemonstratetheimpactofelectronics,elevatethe reader’sunderstandingoftheconcepts,orprovideasnapshotofthelatestdevelop- mentsinthefield. 2.Achapteronoscillatorshasbeenadded.Anaturaldescendentoffeedbackcircuits, discreteandintegratedoscillatorshavebecomeindispensibleinmostdevicesand hencemeritadetailedstudy. 3.Theend-of-chapterproblemshavebeenrearrangedtobetteragreewiththeprogres- sionofthechapter.Also,toallowthereadertoquicklyfindtheproblemsforeach section,thecorrespondingsectiontitleshavebeenadded.Moreover,thechallenging problemshavebeenrankedintermsoftheirdifficultylevelbyoneortwostars. 4.Sincestudentsoftenaskfortheanswerstoproblemssoastocheckthevalidityoftheir approach,theanswerstoeven-numberedproblemshavebeenpostedonthebook’s website. 5.Varioustypographicalerrorshavebeencorrected. Iwishtothankallofthestudentsandinstructorswhohaveprovidedvaluablefeedback inthepastfiveyearsandhelpedmedecideontherevisionsforthisedition. BehzadRazavi January2013
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经典算法,学习算法的宝书 The Algorithm Design Manual 2ed
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