MATLAB高阶累积量工具箱,包含内容有: Higher-Order Spectrum Estimation: conventional methods % cum2x - Estimates cross-covariance % cum3x - Estimates third-order cross-cumulants % cum4x - Estimates fourth-order cross-cumulants % cumest - Estimates auto-cumulants, orders two, three, or four % (cum2est, cum3est, cum4est are sub-ordinate routines) % bicoher - Estimates bicoherence, direct method % bicoherx - Estimates cross-bicoherence, direct method % bispecd - Bispectrum estimation (direct method) % bispecdx - Cross-Bispectrum estimation (direct method) % bispeci - Bispectrum estimation (indirect method) % glstat - Gaussianity-Linearity detection statistics (Hinich test) % % Higher-Order Spectrum Estimation: parametric methods % armaqs - Estimates ARMA parameters via q-slice algorithm % armarts - Estimates ARMA parameters via residual time-series algorithm % armasyn - Generates ARMA synthetics % arorder - Estimates AR order % arrcest - Estimates AR parameters using correlation &/or cumulants % bispect - Theoretical bispectrum of an ARMA process % cumtrue - Computes theoretical (true) cumulants of ARMA processes % maest - Estimates MA parameters (GM algorithm) % maorder - Estimates MA order % rpiid - Generates a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, various p.d.f.'s % trispect - Computes 2-D slice of true trispectrum of ARMA process % % Quadratic Phase Coupling (QPC) % qpcgen - Generates quadratically-phase coupled harmonics in noise % qpctor - Detection of quadratic phase coupling via the TOR method % % Second-Order Volterra Systems % nlgen - Computes the output of a second-order Volterra system % nlpow - Power's method for parameters of 2nd-order Volterra system % nltick - Tick 's method for parameters of 2nd-order Volterra system % % Harmonic Retrieval % harmest - Estimates frequencies of harmonics % harmgen - Generates harmonics in Gaussian (colored) noise % % Time-Delay Estimation (TDE) % tde - Time-delay estimation using third-order cross cumulants % tdeb - Time-delay estimation using third-order cross bispectrum % tdegen - Generates synthetics for time-delay estimation % tder - Time-delay estimation using cross-correlation % % Array Processing - Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation % doa - Estimates number of sources and their bearings (cum2 or cum4) % doagen - Synthetic generator for the DOA problem % % Adaptive Linear Prediction % ivcal - Computes instrumental variables (used by rivtr and rivdl) % rivdl - Recursive instrumental variable algorithm: double-lattice filter % rivtr - Recursive instrumental variable algorithm: transversal filter % % Impulse Response (IR), Magnitude and Phase Retrieval % biceps - Estimates impulse response via the bicepstrum method % bicepsf - Estimates impulse response via the bicepstrum (FFT) method % matul - Magnitude and phase retrieval (Matsuoka-Ulrych algorithm) % % Time-Frequency Distributions % wig2 - Wigner spectrum % wig2c - Wigner spectrum, with Choi-Williams type filtering % wig3 - Wigner bispectrum, diagonal slice % wig3c - Wigner bispectrum, with Choi-Williams type filtering % wig4 - Wigner trispectrum, diagonal slice % wig4c - Wigner trispectrum, with Choi-Williams type filtering % % Utilities % hprony - Prony's method for modeling transients % pickpeak - Picks peaks subject to a separation condition % tls - Total Least Squares Solution to a set of linear equations % trench - Trench recursion for non-symmetric Toeplitz matrices % % Demos and Quick Help % hosahelp - One-line synopsis of all HOSA mfiles % hosademo - A demo of the HOSA Toolbox
2022-11-29 14:51:24 101KB 高阶累积量
MATLAB高阶累积量工具箱-MATLAB高阶累积量工具箱.part3.rar 近日,做高阶累积量DOA估计,用到了MATLAB高阶累积量工具箱,找了半天,终于找到了,贴出来给大家分享。
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基于高阶累积量的调制格式识别,识别7种调制格式BPSK、QPSK、8PSK、8QAM、16QAM、32QAM、 64QAM
2022-04-06 03:03:43 42KB matlab 开发语言
基于高阶累积量的数字调制分类,2000年Swami经典文献Hierarchical Digital Modulation Classification Using Cumulants中例1的复现,包含高阶累积量的子程序 cum_sigma.m 计算经过C21归一化的高阶累积量,sigma为加性高斯噪声的方差 four_class_regular.m 四分类问题,信号集为Ω4={BPSK, PAM(4), QAM(4,4), PSK(8)}四种基带信号,信号采样点数分别为100,250,500三种情况,采用1000次蒙特卡洛仿真,得到识别结果,用MATLAB画出混淆矩阵。 four_class_freq.m 信号集为Ω4={BPSK, PAM(4), QAM(4,4), PSK(8)}四种基带信号,存在频偏的情况下实现识别分类 four_class_phase.m 信号集为Ω4={BPSK, PAM(4), QAM(4,4), PSK(8)}四种基带信号,存在相偏的情况下实现识别分类 judge_C40.m 门限判断子函数
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绝版书!张贤达的精典之作。共有531页。全书共分十三章,内容包 括高阶统计量、非参数化高阶谱分析、因果和非因果非最小相位系统的辨识、 自适应估计和滤波、信号重构、信号检测、谐波恢复、多元时间序列分析、时变 非高斯信号的时频分析、阵列处理、循环平稳时间序列分析以及其它专题(时 延估计、盲反卷积和盲均衡、多维非高斯信号)。
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高阶累积量 信号识别的一般方法 时间序列分析
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