适用于: NVD0105DH-4K 、 NVD0105DU-4K 、 NVD0405DU-8K 、 NVD0605DH-4K 、 NVD0605DH-4I-4K 、NVD0905DH-4K 、 NVD0905DH-4I-4K 、 NVD1205DH-4K 、 NVD1205DH-4I-4K 、 NVD1505DH-4K 、 NVD1505DH-4I-4K、NVD1805DH-4K、NVD1805DH-4I-4K、NVD2105DH-4K、NVD2105DH-4I-4K 《大华 DH-NVD 4K系列网络视频解码器操作手册》是针对一系列大华解码器的详细使用指南,适用于多个型号,包括NVD0105DH-4K、NVD0105DU-4K、NVD0405DU-8K等,直至NVD2105DH-4I-4K。手册中的符号约定旨在提醒用户注意安全和设备操作中的潜在风险,例如警示标志表示高度或中度的伤害可能性,以及警告标识提醒用户注意静电、高压和激光辐射等危险。 手册的修订记录显示了产品的持续改进和更新,例如V3.3.1版本新增了NVD0405DU-8K型号,而V3.1.0和V3.0.0分别进行了视讯互联显控大基线的修订。 使用安全须知部分强调了运输、贮存和操作设备时的重要注意事项。例如,产品可能会产生无线电干扰,需在正确电源条件下运行,并且不应在湿度过高或温度超出-10 °C~+55 °C的环境中使用。此外,电源适配器的连接和断开应在设备无电状态下进行,不得将液体接触到设备,避免使用错误型号的电池,以防爆炸风险。安装设备时,必须遵循电气安全标准,保持设备通风,防止过热,并确保安装位置避免阳光直射和近热源。 安装要求部分详细列出了各种操作细节,如使用制造商提供的适配器,保持设备水平安装,使用合适的电源线,并确保电源断开装置易于操作。此外,还强调了在高处作业的安全防护措施,如佩戴安全帽和使用安全带。 手册的目录部分未给出,但通常会包含设备的详细功能介绍、系统设置、连接指导、故障排查等内容,帮助用户全面了解和有效利用这些4K网络视频解码器。这些设备常用于监控系统中,能够接收和解码多路网络视频流,实现高质量的视频画面显示和管理。通过正确理解和使用手册,用户能够确保设备安全、高效地运行,发挥其在监控领域的最大效能。
2024-08-16 19:02:03 4.55MB 操作手册
xs9922视频解码器linux驱动,适用于kernel 5.9,支持 HDCCTV 高清协议和 CVBS 标 清协议,视频制式支持 720P/1080P 高清制式和 960H/D1 标清制式。芯片将接收到的高清 模拟复合视频信号经过模数转化,视频解码以及 2D 图像处理之后,转化为 YCbCr,并以 MIPI CSI 接口传输给主控编码芯片。
2024-04-12 16:31:32 16KB linux RK3588
Win10Codecs 32\64位是一款可以增强您的Windows10操作系统对音频,视频文件后台解码功能的软件,这款软件在安装时会自动卸载计算机上其它的解码器,不过丝毫不会影响你的多媒体体验,而且Windows Media Player和Media Center立刻就能识别所有的可播放文件。另外,Win10Codecs并不是播放器,也不会改变你的文件关联属性,而是针对Windows 10的视频
2023-09-28 23:53:48 129.94MB 媒体工具
2022-11-20 10:55:27 12.28MB QT5 视频解码器 视频播放必备
MPEG2 视 频 解 码 器 1.1 版(源 码)
2022-09-24 13:00:50 449KB mpeg mpeg-2 mpeg_解码 视频解码器
视频解码器 LAVFilters,支持绝大部分格式的视频文件解码,0.76.1版本,此为windows安装文件,包含32位和64位。
2022-07-18 09:07:00 13.56MB LAVFilters 视频解码器
视频解码器 LAVFilters,支持绝大部分格式的视频文件解码,0.76.1版本,此为windows平台免安装文件,32位 (x86平台) ,下面链接有32为和64位安装版文件 https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_27898413/86240084
2022-07-18 09:06:59 9.45MB LAVFilters 视频解码器
2022-06-29 19:11:18 2.06MB 视频解码器
世界上最快的VP9视频解码器 As before , I was very excited when Google released VP9 – for one, because I was one of the people involved in creating it back when I worked for Google (I no longer do). How good is it, and how much better can it be? To evaluate that question, Clément Bœsch and I set out to write a VP9 decoder from scratch for FFmpeg. The goals never changed from the original ffvp8 situation (community-developed, fast, free from the beginning). We also wanted to answer new questions: how does a well-written decoder compare, speed-wise, with a well-written decoder for other codecs? TLDR (see rest of post for details): as a codec, VP9 is quite impressive – it beats x264 in many cases. However, the encoder is slow, very slow. At higher speed settings, the quality gain melts away. This seems to be similar to what people report about HEVC (using e.g. x265 as an encoder). single-threaded decoding speed of libvpx isn’t great. FFvp9 beats it by 25-50% on a variety of machines. FFvp9 is somewhat slower than ffvp8, and somewhat faster than ffh264 decoding speed (for files encoded to matching SSIM scores). Multi-threading performance in libvpx is deplorable, it gains virtually nothing from its loopfilter-mt algorithm. FFvp9 multi-threading gains nearly as much as ffh264/ffvp8 multithreading, but there’s a cap (material-, settings- and resolution-dependent, we found it to be around 3 threads in one of our clips although it’s typically higher) after which further threads don’t cause any more gain. The codec itself To start, we did some tests on the encoder itself. The direct goal here was to identify bitrates at which encodings would give matching SSIM-scores so we could do same-quality decoder performance measurements. However, as such, it also allows us to compare encoder performance in itself. We used settings very close to recommended settings forVP8,VP9andx264, optimized for SSIM as a metric. As source clips, we chose Sintel (1920×1080 CGI content, source ), a 2-minute clip from Tears of Steel (1920×800 cinematic content, source ), and a 3-minute clip from Enter the Void (1920×818 high-grain/noise content,screenshot). For each, we encoded at various bitrates and plotted effective bitrate versus SSIM . sintel_ssimtos_ssimetv_ssim You’ll notice that in most cases, VP9 can indeed beat x264, but, there’s some big caveats: VP9 encoding (using libvpx) is horrendously slow – like, 50x slower than VP8/x264 encoding. This means that encoding a 3-minute 1080p clip takes several days on a high-end machine. Higher –cpu-used=X parameters make the quality gains melt away. libvpx’ VP9 encodes miss the target bitrates by a long shot (100% off) for the ETV clip, possibly because of our use of –aq-mode=1. libvpx tends to slowly crumble at higher bitrates for hard content – again, look at the ETV clip, where x264 shows some serious mature killer instinct at the high bitrate end of things. Overall, these results are promising, although the lack-of-speed is a serious issue. Decoder performance For decoding performance measurements, we chose (Sintel)500 (VP9), 1200 (VP8) and 700 (x264) kbps (SSIM=19.8); Tears of Steel4.0 (VP9), 7.9 (VP8) and 6.3 (x264) mbps (SSIM=19.2); and Enter the Void 9.7 (VP9), 16.6 (VP8) and 10.7 (x264) mbps (SSIM=16.2). We used FFmpeg to decode each of these files, either using the built-in decoder (to compare between codecs), or using libvpx-vp9 (to compare ffvp9 versus libvpx). Decoding time was measured in seconds using “time ffmpeg -threads 1 [-c:v libvpx-vp9] -i $file -f null -v 0 -nostats – 2>&1 | grep user”, with this FFmpeg and this libvpx revision (downloaded on Feb 20th, 2014). sintel_archs tos_archsetv_archs A few notes on ffvp9 vs. libvpx-vp9 performance: ffvp9 beats libvpx consistently by 25-50%. In practice, this means that typical middle- to high-end hardware will be able to playback 4K content using ffvp9, but not using libvpx. Low-end hardware will struggle to playback even 720p content using libvpx (but do so fine using ffvp9). on Haswell, the difference is significantly smaller than on sandybridge, likely because libvpx has some AVX2 optimizations (e.g. for MC and loop filtering), whereas ffvp9 doesn’t have that yet; this means this difference might grow over time as ffvp9 gets AVX2 optimizations also. on the Atom, the differences are significantly smaller than on other systems; the reason for this is likely that we haven’t done any significant work on Atom-performance yet. Atom has unusually large latencies between GPRs and XMM registers, which means you need to take special care in ordering your instructions to prevent unnecessary halts – we haven’t done anything in that area yet (for ffvp9). Some users may find that ffvp9 is a lot slower than advertised on 32bit; this is correct, most of our SIMD only works on 64bit machines. If you have 32bit software, port it to 64bit. Can’t port it? Ditch it. Nobody owns 32bit x86 hardware anymore these days. So how does VP9 decoding performance compare to that of other codecs? There’s basically two ways to measure this: same-bitrate (e.g. a 500kbps VP8 file vs. a 500kbps VP9 file, where the VP9 file likely looks much better), or same-quality (e.g. a VP8 file with SSIM=19.2 vs. a VP9 file with SSIM=19.2, where the VP9 file likely has a much lower bitrate). We did same-quality measurements, and found: ffvp9 tends to beat ffh264 by a tiny bit (10%), except on Atom (which is likely because ffh264 has received more Atom-specific attention than ffvp9). ffvp9 tends to be quite a bit slower than ffvp8 (15%), although the massive bitrate differences in Enter the Void actually makes it win for that clip (by about 15%, except on Atom). Given that Google promised VP9 would be no more than 40% more complex than VP8, it seems they kept that promise. we did some same-bitrate comparisons, and found that x264 and ffvp9 are essentially identical in that scenario (with x264 having slightly lower SSIM scores); vp8 tends to be about 50% faster, but looks significantly worse. Multithreading One of the killer-features in FFmpeg is frame-level multithreading, which allows multiple cores to decode different video frames in parallel. Libvpx also supports multithreading. So which is better?
2022-03-25 00:03:10 8.18MB VP9 视频 解码器
2022-03-08 16:01:16 10.72MB 视频解码器