《代码大全》第2版 英文文字版 非扫描版 带标签 超清晰,《Code Complete》
2023-10-19 09:51:12 9.76MB 代码大全
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An international edition is a textbook that has been published outside the U.S. International editions are often cheaper than the U.S. version. Customers located in the U.S. can now purchase international edition textbooks. However, the publishers of international editions generally do not authorize the sale and distribution of international editions in Canada, and such sale or distribution may violate the copyrights and trademarks of the publishers of such works. Electric Circuits, Tenth Edition, is designed for use in a one or two-semester Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory Course taught in Electrical or Computer Engineering Departments. This title is also suitable for readers seeking an introduction to electric circuits. Electric Circuits is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook of the past 25 years. As this book has evolved to meet the changing learning styles of students, the underlying teaching approaches and philosophies remain unchanged. MasteringEngineering for Electric Circuits is a total learning package that is designed to improve results through personalized learning. This innovative online program emulates the instructor’s office–hour environment, guiding students through engineering concepts from Electric Circuits with self-paced individualized coaching. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. Personalize Learning with Individualized Coaching: MasteringEngineering provides students with wrong-answer specific feedback and hints as they work through tutorial homework problems. Emphasize the Relationship between Conceptual Understanding and Problem Solving Approaches: Chapter Problems and Practical Perspectives illustrate how the generalized techniques presented in a first-year circuit analysis course relate to problems faced by practicing engineers. Build an Understanding of Concepts and Ideas Explicitly in Terms of Previous Learning: Assessment Problems and Fundamental Equations and Concepts help students focus on the key principles in electric circuits. Provide Students with a Strong Foundation of Engineering Practices: Computer tools, examples, and supplementary workbooks assist students in the learning process.
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Table of Contents What Is Subversion? Is Subversion the Right Tool? Subversion's History Subversion's Architecture Subversion's Components What's New in Subversion Audience How to Read This Book Organization of This Book This Book Is Free Acknowledgments 1. Fundamental Concepts 2. Basic Usage 3. Advanced Topics 4. Branching and Merging 5. Repository Administration 6. Server Configuration 7. Customizing Your Subversion Experience 8. Embedding Subversion 9. Subversion Complete Reference
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IEC61131 Part3 2013 可编程逻辑控制器 编程语言 规范参考 英文文字版
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英文版 算法设计 Preface Algorithmic ideas are pervasive, and their reach is apparent in examples both within computer science and beyond. Some of the major shifts in Internet routing standards can be viewed as debates over the deficiencies of one shortest-path algorithm and the relative advantages of another. The basic notions used by biologists to express similarities among genes and genomes have algorithmic definitions. The concerns voiced by economists over the feasibility of combinatorial auctions in practice are rooted partly in the fact that these auctions contain computationally intractable search problems as special cases. And algorithmic notions aren’t just restricted to well-known and longstanding problems; one sees the reflections of these ideas on a regular basis, in novel issues arising across a wide range of areas. The scientist from Yahoo! who told us over lunch one day about their system for serving ads to users was describing a set of issues that, deep down, could be modeled as a network flow problem. So was the former student, now a management consultant working on staffing protocols for large hospitals, whom we happened to meet on a trip to New York City. The point is not simply that algorithms have many applications. The deeper issue is that the subject of algorithms is a powerful lens through which to view the field of computer science in general. Algorithmic problems form the heart of computer science, but they rarely arrive as cleanly packaged, mathematically precise questions. Rather, they tend to come bundled together with lots of messy, application-specific detail, some of it essential, some of it extraneous. As a result, the algorithmic enterprise consists of two fundamental components: the task of getting to the mathematically clean core of a problem, and then the task of identifying the appropriate algorithm design techniques, based on the structure of the problem. These two components interact: the more comfortable one is with the full array of possible design techniques, the more one starts to recognize the clean formulations that lie within messy problems out in the world. At their most effective, then, algorithmic ideas do not just provide solutions to well-posed problems; they form the language that lets you cleanly express the underlying questions. The goal of our book is to convey this approach to algorithms, as a design process that begins with problems arising across the full range of computing applications, builds on an understanding of algorithm design techniques, and results in the development of efficient solutions to these problems. We seek to explore the role of algorithmic ideas in computer science generally, and relate these ideas to the range of precisely formulated problems for which we can design and analyze algorithms. In other words, what are the underlying issues that motivate these problems, and how did we choose these particular ways of formulating them? How did we recognize which design principles were appropriate in different situations? In keeping with this, our goal is to offer advice on how to identify clean algorithmic problem formulations in complex issues from different areas of computing and, from this, how to design efficient algorithms for the resulting problems. Sophisticated algorithms are often best understood by reconstructing the sequence of ideas—including false starts and dead ends—that led from simpler initial approaches to the eventual solution. The result is a style of exposition that does not take the most direct route from problem statement to algorithm, but we feel it better reflects the way that we and our colleagues genuinely think about these questions.
2022-01-30 08:32:59 5.06MB 算法设计 Jon 文字版
深入理解计算机系统(原书第2版)(CSAPP)  这本书被誉为“价值超过等重量黄金的无价资源宝库”;  这本书是Amazon五星图书,最伟大的计算机科学教材之一; 任何计算机专业的人都应该阅读本书;豆瓣评分9+的神书
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