很多初学者,或者说,编程的伪爱好者,他们,会热衷于去四处请教大师,下载各种经典书籍,企图读一本编程圣经,然后一夜脱胎换骨。 这是,不可能的。 这种伪爱好者,永远不可能成事;在学习的过程中,抱着去“走捷径”的心态,本身就已经是入了歧途;最终会花更多的时间。 原来Ruby / 现在 Python的一个光头大牛Zed A. Shaw,为了表达“没有捷径”这样的观点,特意写了本《Learn Python The Hard Way》
2023-12-08 19:36:27 1.21MB python
笨方法学Python号称最经典的python入门书籍现在出python3版本的了,你还不快来学? 英文高清带书签版本 You Will Learn Python 3! Zed Shaw has perfected the world’s best system for learning Python 3. Follow it and you will succeed—just like the millions of beginners Zed has taught to date! You bring the discipline, commitment, and persistence; the author supplies everything else. In Learn Python 3 the Hard Way, you’ll learn Python by working through 52 brilliantly crafted exercises. Read them. Type their code precisely. (No copying and pasting!) Fix your mistakes. Watch the programs run. As you do, you’ll learn how a computer works; what good programs look like; and how to read, write, and think about code. Zed then teaches you even more in 5+ hours of video where he shows you how to break, fix, and debug your code—live, as he’s doing the exercises. Install a complete Python environment Organize and write code Fix and break code Basic mathematics Variables Strings and text Interact with users Work with files Looping and logic Data structures using lists and dictionaries Program design Object-oriented programming Inheritance and composition Modules, classes, and objects Python packaging Automated testing Basic game development Basic web development It’ll be hard at first. But soon, you’ll just get it—and that will feel great! This course will reward you for every minute you put into it. Soon, you’ll know one of the world’s most powerful, popular programming languages. You’ll be a Python programmer. This Book Is Perfect For Total beginners with zero programming experience Junior developers who know one or two languages Returning professionals who haven’t written code in years Seasoned professionals looking for a fast, simple, crash course in Python 3
2023-02-12 01:10:11 4.25MB python
《笨办法学 Python》(Learn Python The Hard Way,简称 LPTHW)是 Zed Shaw 编写的一本 Python 入门书籍。适合对计算机了解不多,没有学过编程,但对编程感兴趣的朋友学习使用。这本书以习题的方式引导读者一步一步学习编程,从简单的打印一直讲到完整项目的实现。也许读完这本书并不意味着你已经学会了编程,但至少你会对编程语言以及编程这个行业有一个初步的了解。压缩包内有中文和英文两个版本,建议英语好的还是看原版
2022-07-01 09:42:42 3.47MB python
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2022-07-01 09:38:32 13.72MB 英文原版 python 笨方法 英文版
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2022-02-01 08:08:56 1.69MB python
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2022-02-01 07:50:15 2.99MB python
《笨方法学Python》:笨办法学 Python》(Learn Python The Hard Way,简称 LPTHW)是 Zed Shaw 编写的一本 Python 入门书籍。适合对计算机了解不多,没有学过编程,但对编程感兴趣的朋友学习使用。这本书以 习题的方式引导读者一步一步学习编程,从简单的打印一直讲到完整项目的实现。也许读完这本书并不 意味着你已经学会了编程,但至少你会对编程语言以及编程这个行业有一个初步的了解。 本书区别于其它入门书籍的特点如下: • 注重实践。本书提供了足够的练习代码,如果你完成了所有的练习(包括加分习题),那你已经 写了上万行的代码。要知道很多职业程序员一年也就写几万行代码而已。 • 注重能力培养。除了原序言提到的“读和写”、“注重细节”、以及“发现不同”这样的基本能 力以外,本书还培养了读者自己专研问题和寻求答案的能力。 • 注重好习惯的养成。本书详细地讲解了怎样写出好的代码、好的注释、好的项目。这会让你在后 续的学习中少走很多弯路。
2021-12-22 19:09:48 1.29MB Python
2021-06-16 19:31:20 48KB sql 学习
包含《笨方法学python3》中习题1-45的代码,在win7电脑 python3.6上都跑过。用的是Atom和Shell
2021-05-28 11:50:55 28KB python
笨方法学 Vim Script
2020-01-24 03:14:15 138KB Vim Script